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Renovation Under Way

 We found a house! It's beautiful and although it was originally built in 1984 it has been renovated. In 2010, the owners took it down to the studs and completely transformed the house. I was fortunate enough to meet the builder and see pictures of the original floor plan and lovely 80's decor package.   Walls were knocked down, rooms extended and the spiral staircase was straightened out. Slate blue carpet ripped up and the kitchen was relocated to another area of the house. It's amazing the vision this builder had when he renovated it. Needless to say, it doesn't even look like the same house!

 I read recently about the difference between renovation and restoration. I can't remember where I read it since I am currently reading about three different books. But as I recall, restoration is taking something old and or worn down and restoring it while keeping its original intended state or purpose. While renovation is more of making new, better, maybe even more practical and useful than before.

 I love the newness this house has not only in the updated decor package but also the little bells and whistle that make it not only practical but purposeful. Instant hot water at the sink for example for my tea or oatmeal because let's face it, who wants to wait three minutes for the microwave? Ok, that's a bell and a whistle! There is also an island in the center of the kitchen that hosts two refrigerated drawers for extra storage. Practical or purposeful? Yes! But the house also has a cozy, home feel that somehow the builder was able to restore. It's comfortable, warm and inviting as a home should be as intended for its original purpose. In my opinion anyway. 

 One of the surprises I found out from the builder who did the renovation was that the large pool in the backyard was filled in. There are absolutely no signs of a pool ever having been there. The backyard has a spacious grass area that just seems to be nestled into the woods. You would never know that a large built in pool once entertained party goers in the summer. In fact, the grass appears to be even greener where the pool once was.  Funny thing,  after having  a pool for many years, Jim was pretty insistent that our new house would not have a built in pool. His days as pool boy are over, especially with having to winterized one out here. Not to mention from what we are hearing, you only get to enjoy it for a couple of months. Not like in Arizona where you can swim year round. So, we were grateful that the pool was filled in and literally out of sight. 

 Nature seems to be restoring the woods that are behind the house. The trees are beginning to show new life as well as the bulbs that were probably planted in the fall, as they are popping through the soil and springing to life. Colors in the grass and leaves on other scrubs are coming back after a long cold winter. Spring has finally arrived and I am appreciating it even more this year. It has always been my favorite season. I love the colors, the warm sun which seems to shine just a little bit brighter but more importantly, I love the hope of new life and a fresh start that comes with the season. Especially after a long, cold winter. 

 How timely that we celebrated Easter this past weekend. Jesus is my hope of a new life and a fresh start. He makes all things new. The old life is gone the new life has begun! ( 2 Cor 5:17) Sounds a lot like renovation, He is the maker and builder of life who takes an old life down to the studs and completely transforms it, making it new, better, maybe even more practical and useful than before. While at the same time restoring it to its original intended purpose -To live with and for Him. 

 I know I have said before that this uprooting for me has been exciting, scary, challenging and even at times, painful. But I believe that is part of the renovation God is doing in my heart and in my life. Many times during the day when I start to feel doubt, fear or anxiety creep in and I just need to be reminded that He is in control. He is the builder of my life with a greater vision for me, I simply ask Him to increase my faith and change my heart. Make me new! And because God is in the renovation and restoration business, that is a prayer He loves to answer. Sort of like that pool, a hole in the backyard of my heart, He fills it in with something greater than before preparing the soil for new growth while keeping His vision in its original state and purpose! One day, there will be absoultely no signs of a pool ever having been there.

 The renovation is still under way and I'm thankful for the fresh start He gives me everyday! 

Pressing On 


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