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Following Him

I'm new to Blogging, although I have always enjoyed writing my thoughts, feelings and life lessons down. I have been journaling for a while now. Sometimes I will post, as some of you may know, a very lengthy " status update" only to share what I am experiencing or what God is teaching me on this journey through life with Him. I'm not an English major or scholar so please forgive my grammatical errors, run-on sentences and anything else you find annoying.

Funny thing is, I'm not even sure anyone will read these but that's ok.. I'm doing it mostly because I feel driven to and I find it helpful to my heart and soul. I also hope to encourage others in some way whenever possible. And to be honest, a part of me has always wanted to write something and I figure this is the closest I will get to publishing that great novel. That and my mother-in-law has always encouraged me to write. So, besides my own mom I know Judy QT will read it.

I may post entries from my past journals I've kept. To be honest, I haven't given this a whole lot of thought. That's kind of my temperament- just roll with the punches and see what happens. This drives my ultra planning husband nuts.

He is sitting on a plane heading back to Boston as I write this.We finally had an incredible weekend of nice weather here in Chicago and it's the weather in Boston that is delaying his flight. so, he waits on the runway. We decided I would stay back a few extra days since he has a full week of travel on the East Coast.

If you would have told me last year I'd be leaving Arizona and the life I knew there and following my husband to Chicago only to move again four months later to the East Coast..... I doubt I would have believed it. But, as a Christ follower, I've learn this: God's plans rarely, if ever, are the same as mine.

My plan was to continue to live in the same house I had grown to know and love in Glendale, Arizona. Where most of my family and friends lived. Where I knew how to get from point A to B without needing a GPS to find the closest Target or Starbucks. The house with the great floor plan, pool and plenty of room for guest and eventually grandkids. The house we celebrated many birthdays, holidays and milestones in. The house I sat for hours laughing and crying while having coffee or tea with girlfriends. I wanted to grow old in that house. But, as we began praying for Jim and the future of his career I knew in my heart I needed to turn from my selfish ways and follow the path that God would lead me down.  I know I will never regret following Him, He will never lead me down the wrong path. It might not be a smooth road, it most likely will not be the path I would have chosen, it most certainly will not be the short cut or the easy road. But this I also know, He will never lead me astray or in the dark. Most importantly, He will be with me every step of the way.  I find great comfort in that!

My past isn't pretty. I have made a lot of stupid choices. A little over ten years ago, God grabbed a hold of my heart and changed me entirely! For that I am incredibly grateful. I want to live a life for Him now and I have chosen to follow Him wherever He leads me. I trust Him. However, like Paul who wrote to the Philippians, I do not have this already all  figured out, I have not already achieved perfection. " But, I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Jesus Christ is calling me" Phil 3:13-14

So, begins my blog...... Pressing On and the daily choice to follow Him.


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