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Thank God For That

I saw this inspirational sign at the gym: “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”
The message of course, is meant to encourage us in the physical form. To challenge and push ourselves in order to get stronger, leaner etc..  I guess this is the new and improved version of “No Pain, No Gain.” I had misread what time the class started that day and while I thought I was 20 minutes early to grab a spot and the necessary equipment; I was only 5 minutes early. Therefore, I was late and all of the medium size dumbbells were taken. That left me with heavier than normal weights to “challenge” myself. Super! This was going to be painful! 

I typically thrive on change. I move to a new city and jump right in. I love having a different view on the seat of the plane. I remember taking a train ride up the coast with my sister once. On one side of the train was beautiful countryside while on the other was the ocean view. I wanted to see it all so I switched sides on the return so I could take it all in. I want change, I like change; I just don’t always like the pain it takes to get me there. I want to just simply switch seats in order to see change.

Over the last several years, I’ve experienced change. Much of that change came from challenge. I’m grateful for it and honestly, I can’t say I would want to go through some of that again because it was uncomfortable, even painful at times. But I can’t say I’d want to have it differently either. Because of the change it brought. I’m stronger for it and more importantly I’m closer to God. 

If you’re on Facebook or even Instagram, you might have seen the “How have you aged” challenge a few weeks ago. In other words, “How have you changed in the last 10 years?” I  cringed. I mean, I don’t need a photo to tell me how I’ve aged over the last 10 years. And do I really want to have that reminder of what time is doing to my outward appearance? I can just look in the mirror and see that. Ok, based on my hair style over the past 10 years, it would appear I don’t really thrive on change all that much. 

I remember years ago my mother-in-love talking about her wrinkles. She pointed to her face and said, “These didn’t used to touch.” She was referring to her crows feet and smile lines. I laughed at her but they were indeed connecting. I always thought she was so beautiful. Wrinkles and all. And raising five boys.... goodness, she earned every single one of those wrinkles and wore them well. Now some 30 years later, when I look in the mirror I think of her as I see my wrinkles touch that didn’t used to. It makes me smile. And I know the irony of that is I’m increasing my wrinkle wingspan. 

I follow Korie Robertson on Instagram and I absolutely loved what she posted about this whole age challenge thing. She said, “Change comes with growth and growth comes with change” then she went on to say “In real life we are all growing and changing and also aging, and thank God for that. It’s much better than the alternative.....Embrace your changes! Hopefully, you’ve changed for the better, on the inside where it really matters.” 

Gosh, I love that encouragement from her. I always want to be growing and learning so that I continue the be changed on the inside where it really matters. I can get so self-focused on the outside, comparing myself with others and then not liking the reflection in the mirror because of how aging is changing me. When I know that change starts on the inside. I have a long way to go as I continue to ask God to change me. But it is often the challenges in life that bring change. God doesn’t bring the pain but He allows it. He doesn’t allow us to go through these challenges or painful life experiences for nothing. He doesn’t ask us to push through in our own strength or stuff the pain. No, He gives us His strength and often times the right people to help us work through the pain in order to change us. 

Change is good. I need to keep reminding myself of that. Because sometimes I want things to stay the way they are or worse, go back to the way things were. We all know that we can’t do either. And to repeat what Korie said, Thank God for that! If I want to live my life based on God’s word ( and I do) I need to continue to seek Him to change me from the inside out.

Challenges of life will come while we live here in this broken world. Disappointments or pain will come, and when they do, we can ask ourselves, “Will I let this stunt my growth or allow God to use it to make me into the woman He wants me to be?” I’m learning. I’m learning to process the pain in a healthy way rather than stuff it. I’m learning that there is growth and change that comes with those challenges. I am continuing to learn that only God knows my heart. Only God can heal it and only God can change it.  I wish I could look in a mirror and see my heart change but I can’t. Instead, I have to ask God to search my heart and show me what’s inside. Then ask Him to do His mighty work in leading me in His way. I know He wants that for all of us. He loves us right where we are but doesn't want to leave us there. He wants to make us into the likeness of His Son. And that’s a beautiful thing! Thank God for that! 

Pressing On 

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
Psalm 139:23-24 NIV

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
Psalm 147:3 NIV

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV


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