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A Taste of Chicago

 When Jim was asked to come to Chicago, it was in the beginning of July. The weather was a gorgeous 80 something degrees. Quite refreshing from the blistering 110+ in Arizona. They flew us in for the weekend to visit, meet with his would-be  boss and see the sights. They even gave us tickets to the annual festival that was going on in the city; A Taste of Chicago. It's a street fair kind of thing where the local restaurants set up booths, tents and trucks to sample their dishes in hopes to leave you hungry for more of what they offer in their restaurants. The public buys tickets and then picks and chooses which dishes to sample. Most booths I saw offered a sample taste for  x amount of tickets or a meal portion for x+ amount of tickets. I was super excited to try the infamous Chicago style pizza that I had heard so much about. Jim was keeping his eyes peeled for a Chicago dog. To that he was on his own, you could not pay me to sample a Chicago Dog! I'm all about cheese and chocolate. 
 The way I see it, samples are calorie free,  so I invested my loot of tickets on sample size portions and worked the festival like a pro on a quest to find the best stuffed pizza on the planet. We had a blast and of course, their plan worked. Most of the tastes I sampled left me hungry for more. Although, I managed to sample myself stuffed just like the infamous spinach stuffed pizza I finally found.

On the streets of A Taste of Chicago..... In search of the best stuffed pizza. 

 When we accepted the offer to relocate to Chicago, we knew this would just be a stepping stone to the next place on this journey. However, we didn't think it would be such a short stay. Turns out it was a lot like A Taste of Chicago. I got a small sampling of some things Chicago had to offer which left me hungry for more. I fell in love with the city. The fall was incredible with all the turning of the leaves, the church that God lead us to was amazing and I'm thankful for the time I was able to attend and worship there. I met some wonderful girls at the bible study that I believe will continue to be long time friends. I discovered gravel and paved trails I was able to run along and see things in a new light and different perspective. I enjoyed trying new things ( no Chicago dog though) when I had become a little habitual and even complacent in areas of my life.

 One thing we decided to do was to stay in the city at Christmas time. We have learned or I should say, we are still learning to not take things or time for granted. It was such a busy time for us that we were on the fence as to whether we should spend yet another weekend away. After all, we were still  in the process of moving into our house and had so much we should be doing rather than playing in the city. But something (or someone) was telling us we should enjoy the city, because you never know if it will be there next year. So we did. We stayed in the heart of it with all the hustle and bustle of the season. We shopped, ate, walked the streets for miles in the snow until our faces nearly froze. We  created a memory that night! And we were unexpectedly, impacted by a few homeless people we met along the way. The Christmas season for me is all about love and tends to stir a deeper desire in me to share that love with others. As we were walking the streets we passed a mother with her two young kids, sitting under what little shelter one of the buildings offered. I stopped and tugged on Jim's arm, directing my concern for this poor lady. We felt moved to help her in whatever small way we could at the moment. We handed her some money and a warm smile that I hoped would communicate to her we cared.  For us, it wasn't much, but to her.... It could be Christmas dinner for her family, gifts for her kids, a warm meal for tonight...I have no idea. And yes, I suppose it also could have been alcohol, drugs or cigarettes but that's not my concern. My concern is to follow Him where He leads me and trust Him with the results. The surprise on this mothers face was what brought a surprise stirring in my heart. I saw hope and gratitude in her eyes. It was a joy, a blast and a taste of something that left me hungry for more. A sample of making a difference in another's life, no matter how small it seemed to me. 
 Later we saw a young girl that had to be in her early twenties, I wondered about her circumstances. How did she end up there, sitting on the corner on a piece of cardboard in the slush? I thought of my own daughter  and how incredibly blessed we are and fortunate that she has a roof over her head, a warm  bed tonight and food in her pantry, even if it is Top Ramen and Milky-ways.  Again, we felt lead to help this young girl. When we handed her the money, it looked as if she might cry. If I had to guess, We just might have answered a prayer that she said that day. That's what her face looked like. She even said " Merry Christmas and God bless you too" back to me. Those two beautiful women I met that night left me hungry. Hungry to share the love with others because I know that God put me here for a reason and I know it's not to gorge myself with cheese and chocolate. Although, cheese and chocolate are some  of life's simple pleasures He gives us and I am thankful.

I read this in an email I received from "Just Moved" this morning. How timely and encouraging:
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." - Pericles, ancient Greek philosopher

As we take this next step on our journey I am reflecting on how much God has and is teaching me along the way. He gently pushed me out of my comfort zone and gave me A Taste of Chicago, A Taste of sharing His love with others and of greater things yet to come. For that, I am thankful and I can trust He will do the same for us in Boston.

Pressing On


  1. Those sweet women must have felt loved even for that moment. You and Jim were the hands and feet of Jesus at that moment.


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