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No Need to Fret

Sometimes I fret over things that aren't in my control. Sometimes they are little things like, what if the snow last week kills off the daffodils that just began peeking out of the soil? That is a little thing but I remember the ridiculous blister I got on my hand planting those bulbs last fall. I want to see the fruits of my hard labor. So, I had a mini anxiety attack when the snow practically covered them last week. Not much I could do so why fret? And seriously? Am I really going to spend that much energy on something that has absolutely no eternal value? 

Then there are bigger things I can fret over. Bigger things that can allow fret to grow into worry. Just watching the news and anxiety can kick in. Or I hear a siren in the distance when I know Jim is on his way home from work. Anxiety develops into worry.

There have been so many times in my life that I lied awake at night freaking out over what might happen if a certain circumstance didn't go my way. The anxiety was great and extremely heavy.  It consumed me and kept me from not only getting a good nights sleep but caused me to doubt. Doubt God and His faithfulness. 

Anxiety and worry keep me focused on myself and my circumstances instead of focusing on God and His goodness. When I worry about my comfort here on earth it can grip me in such a way that I either start running on my own agenda and strength or I become paralyzed and choose to wallow in my self pity. 

Neither are good for me.  Neither is good for my relationship with God and my relationship with others. I choose to live my life based on what God tells me in the bible. I can trust Him at His Word and He tells me many times, not to be anxious, not to worry or not to be afraid. That He watches over His children. 

Anxiety starts as a thought that develops into a fear of what might happen. Probably won't happen! I can think of all kinds of scenarios that could happen if that siren is for Jim. Probably won't happen! I don't want to be morbid but some pretty gross thoughts get into my head. And anxiety plants a seed of doubt. Doubt that God isn't awake. Maybe He missed His shift today when He was suppose to be watching over Jim. False! 

God is in complete control, He is fully awake and on guard. Even if that siren is for Jim, even if worse case scenario plays out. God will still be there. I know and trust that to be true. Although it isn't always easy to refocus my thought life. However, when I do- every single time- the heaviness is lifted and  I find His peace. When I shift my thought pattern back to Him the One true God who knows all and sees all, I rest knowing that He cares for me. 

-Pressing On

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7 NIV

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 NIV

“He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;”
Psalm 121:3 NIV


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