You have probably heard the expression, it takes a village in raising your kids. But I think that applies to so much more than just parenting. I think it takes a village in other things as well, like maybe getting a big job done or more simply, going through life. We aren't meant to do it alone. We are made for community and I'm finding that more and more, I appreciate my village.
I was asked recently about my village, my "support group", as she worded it. I smiled and teared up a bit because I am so incredibly blessed with a group of women who cheer me on, push me when I need to be pushed and lift me up in prayer. And that's just a portion of my village. I'm fortunate enough to have a family who does the same for me. I know that is rare. Some people don't have either, much less both and that breaks my heart. We aren't meant to go it alone.
I'm thankful for modern technology today that allows me to stay connected across the miles to my village. What did we ever do without email, cell phones and text messaging? But I also love face time. I enjoy sitting across the table from someone face to face and going through life with. There is something to be said about community and having like minded people in your village.
God made us for community and He will continue to bring people into your village for His purpose. It never ceases to amaze me when I pick up the phone to call or text someone and they have already reached out to me. Or, I can be having a bad day and I get a call from someone in my village to say "Hey, I was just thinking about you." Or, when I am having a pity party another will speak truth in love to me to remind me that "It's not about you, put on your big girl panties and press on." Or, when some hard issues are weighing heavy on my heart another is right there to say "Let me pray with you."
I also find it amazing that there are those that have walked just a few steps ahead of me on this journey that are both an example and an encouragement to me. They know by their experience what it feels like, what hurt and what helped them to press on. And then just as amazing, someone will come into my life that is just a few steps behind me on the journey and I can encourage them to press on, speak truth in love and pray with them.
I am also very thankful that God continues to grow my village. It's no accident I ended up here and He knows exactly who I need and why I need them. And it isn't just that I need them but they need me. I had a very kind woman share that truth with me not too long ago. It was a great reminder that it's not about me. We need each other to go through life with. It's a journey not meant to be traveled alone.
Life gets busy, we get caught up in our to-do-lists and time gets away. Are you struggling today? Maybe you are running on empty and just need to be lifted up in prayer. Do you have someone in your village who will speak some truth to you? Maybe you need to build your village. Start with someone you look up to spiritually that will pour truth into you. One that will hold you in a safe place and encourage you in your journey.
It takes a village to go through life. Your village needs you just as much as you need them. I needed to be reminded of this today.
- Pressing On
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
John 13:34 NIV
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.””
Matthew 18:20 NIV
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17 NIV
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