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A Simple Flipping of the Switch

I am so fortunate that my husband is handy when it comes to fixing things around the house. He also loves to solve problems and work on projects. So, I only needed to mention the idea of ceiling fans in our family room being a nice way to help with our electric bill. No sooner had I spoke those words, we were in the truck headed to Lowe's on an early afternoon the following Saturday. 

It looked to be a fairly simple task for him since he has done it a few times before. The wiring was there and who really reads the instructions that come with ceiling fans anyway? Simple! Yes, I know better. No home improvement project is ever, only one trip to Lowe's or Home Depot. Nor does it ever go according to the unread instructions.  But I was optimistic, I really do love him and he really did know what he was doing. 

The first one took a bit longer than expected since we didn't need the light fixture the fan came with. And he did refer to the instructions to view the picture of the installation. White wire to white wire, black to black... " wait, what's this red, green and yellow one?" He had it all figured out in no time and now only needed to program the remote. If you've ever seen Christmas Vacation when Clark, A.K.A Sparky, spends the whole day on the light display only to have the hype of the drum roll fall flat with a  "boing", as  he plugs them in and.... nothing..... That's exactly what happened. I felt pretty bad for him. "Sorry Sparky". 

He spent so much time on it and he isn't one to quit, ever! But he finally called it quits for the day from being so frustrated. " there is no reason this shouldn't work" he kept saying. The following morning he talks to my dad, A.K.A. the electrician and confirms that he has it wired correctly and this should be working. He has the fans on the ceiling connected but for some weird reason he decides to go to the power switch on the wall to be sure that it is wired correctly. We had figured out the one of  four that clearly operated the one for the new fans, based on the process of elimination from the circuit breaker. It wasn't as complicated as I make it sound. 

He pulled the cover plate off and I hear him  say " You have got to be kidding me!" Behind the mounted plate, the wire was dangling out of the wall where it should have been connected to the power switch. It's a simple light switch on the wall that has three others with it. The other  three were connected. Whoever installed it must have thought they didn't need to connect this one since at the time, there wasn't a light fixture or ceiling fan. Thankfully, Sparky didn't go  off with a chainsaw like Clark did when the tree caught on fire. Yes, I've seen that movie close to 187 times. At last,  the problem was solved. He connected the switch, programmed the remote and we now have two beautiful running fans that on high speed mess up my hair and make my eyes water. Way to go Sparky! 

I thought about that power switch for the next week or so. How Jim had hung both ceiling fans for the purpose to circulate the air and cool down the room. Without that power they just hung there like cosmetic fixtures. Not being used for their intended purpose. What a waste. All because they weren't connected to the power source. 

I know my purpose here on earth isn't to sit idle as a cosmetic fixture either. God created me to be used by Him and for Him. But I can't do whatever it is He wants me to do without being connected to His power. 

I'm studying a great book right now that talks about this lie Christians often believe, that we can make it throughout our day/ life without spending time alone with God, in prayer and reading His Word. The problem then is we try to do everything in our own power and we end up doing the wrong things, making poor choices or can even do the right things but with the wrong motives. We end up exhausted and discouraged. 

The bible is God's instruction manual to a life with Him. How silly it would be for me to cast it aside and try to figure it out  on my own. He wants to guide me and show me the plans He has for my day and life. I only need to tap into the power source and allow Him to do His work. 

Some days, I have a long list of to-do's that I want to get done. So I rush through my prayers or hurry and read what I'm reading in my bible and don't take the time to slow down, turn on the power switch and really read the instructions God has for my day. I know better. When I do spend that quality time in a slow intentional way, God shows me how He would want to use me for His good intended purpose. Then my to-do list looks different. He adjusts my agenda and it becomes more purposeful. He gives me the energy I need to do whatever it is He has called me to do today. There is such peace in that, knowing He is in absolute control of my day and I'm operating on His power and not my own.

Pressing On

“You were made by God and for God and until you understand that, life will never make sense.”  
 Rick Warren- The Purpose Driven Life

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5 NIV


  1. Really great post, Connie! It is so easy to go through my quiet time as just one of the things on my to do list. What a great reminder to slow down during that time and listen for what He is trying to tell me. Thank you!


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