I have a dear friend I used to run with when I lived in Phoenix. What started out as running partners to train for a race, turned into a sweet, life long friendship. When we first began running together, I used to tease her on how she would get dressed up and accessorize for our long distance runs. She would meet me out front, often times in the dark, with a utility belt fully loaded with water, electrolytes, Kleenex and reflective tape on her shirt. I won't even tell you about the adorable matching outfits with knee high socks she would wear. I would come out wearing my same old, white tank top and orange shorts from 1998, carrying a water bottle and a tube of Chapstick. She would in turn tease me. " THAT'S IT? , that's all you're bringing for 10 miles?" " I'll be fine" I would say. "Connie, how can you run and carry that stuff?" I know it drove her crazy and pretty soon she was saying "Here, give it to me, I have pockets, I'll carry it for you- I'll be your Pack Mule." I laughed and from that moment on, I knew I had a very special, Pack Mule of a friend and that she would be stuck with me forever. A Pack Mule type of friend who is willing to carry my stuff in order to lighten my load will have a very hard time getting rid of me. Although, it was probably in hopes to speed me up so that I could keep up with her. She was ridiculously faster than me. None-the-less, I love her for it.
And it wasn't just the Chapstick she constantly offered to carry for me. Nor is it just me that she packmules for. She is just one of those loving people that has a heart to help and encourage others. She doesn't hesitate to say "Here, give it to me, I'll carry it for you."
A little over a week ago I got a late night phone call from someone else who is very dear to me. You know sometimes when the phone rings and you aren't sure what is going to be on the other end of that line? Or it's an usual time or someone you haven't heard from in a while so you brace yourself for bad news? As I was picking up the phone I braced myself.
Thankfully, it wasn't what I had braced myself for, although I didn't have a specific "thing". It wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined in my head. However, it was a broken heart on the other end of that line. I was so thankful I was there for her. As she poured her heart out and cried, I cried with her. She was hurting! And understandably so. Circumstances beyond her control had left her feeling helpless and even a little hopeless. At that moment I so wanted to be her Pack Mule. I wanted to carry this ginormous bag of stuff for her to lighten her load. I wanted to be just like my running friend and reach through the phone and say "Here, give it to me, I have pockets. I'll carry that for you." But we both knew I couldn't do that. So instead, I listened, I cried with her and I prayed with her.
I hope I encouraged her in some way. I tried to remind her that Jesus loves her and He would see her through this. That only He can change hearts and only He can heal the broken. In other words, only Jesus is fully capable of being the Pack Mule for our soul. There is so much stuff that we all want to bring along the journey. God never intended us to carry that stuff. Stuff like anxiety, fear, anger, guilt and shame. He is there and He too is saying "Here, give me that, I have pockets, I will carry it for you." He wants to lighten our load so that we are free to simply follow Him.
It's nice to have friends who are willing to be my Pack Mule, that encourage and lift me up in prayer. I'm so thankful and very blessed to say I have many! I hope they can say the same of me. But I have learned that when my heart and soul is hurting from a burden I wasn't meant to carry, only Jesus can be my Pack Mule.
~ Pressing On
“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”
Isaiah 46:4 NIV
““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.””
Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
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