How have we gotten by all these years without the GPS system? When I first got married and we would travel by car, Jim would hand me a 15 page, folded up map and ask me to navigate. I do have a fairly good sense of direction and could read a map, even give direction on which freeway, highway or off ramp to take. However, some of our most intense moments were after I would say something like, " Ut oh, that was the exit we were supposed to take" or "We are supposed to be heading South, you are going North". Those long miles of having to reroute to get back on track for our trip were not much fun. We would get lost and angry with each other. If you use a GPS you know by now it comes with a familiar, yet annoying voice who says "recalculating" when this happens today. That means you took a wrong turn or somehow got off course.
The highways and streets over here on the East Coast are not only different from what I'm used to but insane. Oneway streets and unmarked intersections only had to the fun. I'm guessing the age of the state of Massachusetts has caused the Department of Transportation to be creative in the highways. The on-ramps and merging lanes are short. You have just a few feet before you get run off the road so you better react quickly. The roundabouts are what I would imagine the autobahn is like. Speed limit? Do they have one here? They have horns that work very well and these Bostonians aren't afraid to use them. In fact, if and when you do something/anything they do not approve of, they will very generously let you know by the prolonged display of how well their horn works. Southbound becomes West and in most cases, regardless of where one might be traveling, you will need to head North first. Everyday, I'm thankful I make it back to my apartment in one piece. And I am very grateful for the GPS system that got me back to that destination. Although, it does not protect me from the horn blowers.
*Pick a highway -1,3, 93? You will be mislead and most likely in the wrong lane you want to be in. The 8 is an exit that will throw you into a crap shoot roundabout, like a ball in the popular game you see in Vegas. Good luck!
As much as I love the GPS system I find myself still wanting to take the short cut. I've learned my way around the four mile radius where we are staying. I know how to get to the dry cleaners, Starbucks, Shaw's, the park and Target without the need of my GPS. Often times I think, I will try a new way and I get lost. I pridefully think I don't need to seek the guidance of my GPS but when I finally do, I admit I love to hear the familiar voice say " recalculating". It's reassuring me that she is aware I'm off course and will get me back on track. (Side note and irrelevant but don't you find it interesting it's a female voice? I'm just saying..... )
I recently found a beachfront boardwalk not far from here and wanted to take Jim to run along the coast. He plugged in the address I gave him into his GPS in his car and wouldn't you know, it took us an entirely different route. I struggled with this the whole way: " this isn't the same way I came last time....why are we going South when we need to head North? She doesn't know where she is going!" Of course Jim, with the guidance of the GPS, got us there. We might have taken the scenic route but the destination was the same.
I have been accused many times of being a back seat driver to my husband. I love to point out which lane is moving faster, where the best parking spot ( in my opinion) is and the shortest or quickest route ( again, my opinion) to get from point A to point B. Even with his GPS, right in front of his eyes and ears, I still feel the need to tell him what lane he needs to be in or point to an open parking spot. As if this is his first go round behind the wheel or his GPS won't recalculate when we get off course.
This past weekend I caught myself a few times trying to "help" him just in case he couldn't see or hear the GPS that was right in front of him. I found myself once again wanting to tell him which way to go that would get us there the fastest. The Holy Spirit nudged me with "Connie, stop it! let him drive. He is behind the wheel and you are a passenger. Trust me in this." It was like a spiritual voice screaming " recalculating! " because I had gotten off course.
God asks me to trust Him by following my husbands lead. By submitting to his leadership in our home and on the road. What a perfect picture of what that looks like from the passenger seat of his car!
God is so patient with me. How often am I trying to navigate my journey? Thinking, pridefully that I know the better route, where we should live, what church we sold attend and so on. I want to take the the short cut and the quickest way to get from point A to point B. Thankfully, He isn't asking me to go to Africa or anything crazy (yet). Although, I have had a few conversations of late telling Him I think this whole year has been a little crazy. But seriously, God knows the destination of this journey He has me on. One of the coolest things is how gracious He is when I get off course. He very lovingly says "recalculating" and gets me back on track knowing the destination has not changed.
"Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord." (Colossians 3:18 NLT)
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