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Flip Flops and Boots

  I love shoes. Particularly flip flops and sandals but I do have a new love of boots. They were one of my first investments when we moved to the colder climate. I had to get a pair in black and in brown. But, because I have weird feet and tend to suffer pain if they are not the right fit or style;  I'm am very particular, comfort is everything. However, I occasionally get caught up in the look of the shoe and throw common sense out the window. I did that with a beautiful pair of black boots only to wise up and return them after one quick wearing. A few of my sweet friends in Arizona gave me a pair of Uggs as a going away gift. I'll admit, I never thought I'd wear those, being a flip flop girl I was afraid I'd suffocate my feet. I have discovered the comfort of Uggs after this past winter. They are furry, comfortable and snuggle up to the skin like a sleeping bag meant to preserve, protect and keep warm. The neutral color allows me to wear them with nearly anything in my closet.  I lived in those most of the season. And I am so grateful to my dear friends who were looking out for me and my feet. 

   A quick trip home to Chicago this weekend to check on the house and have a little bit of "normal" was refreshing. The season of Spring is in full swing. The trees are budding and blooming, the grass is electric green and the bulbs planted in the fall have produced all kinds of color to make the landscape look like a postcard. The once invisible, snow covered lakes and creeks are flowing, hosting birds and drawing people out to fish again. Time for my flip flops to come out and play. I have more pairs than I care to admit. As I put them on it felt a little foreign and you would not believe how ghostly white my feet have become from being in hibernation in Uggs all winter. Could I actually go out in public in these? Of course I can, whether I should still remains to be decided.

  We did a few things that we would normally do on any given weekend when we aren't out house hunting. One was a trip to Target to pick up a few things we would need for the weekend. As a shoe lover you might guess what department stopped me in my tracks ( besides the candy isle). An adorable pair of white sandals caught my eye and I am always on the hunt for a pair of white sandals in the summer. Probably because I am not qualified to wear white at all, whether it be a tee shirt or a pair of shoes. I'm a bit clumsy and also have an obsession with hot sauce. I put it on everything from eggs to French fries. Which means it will undoubtedly end up on the front of my white tee or on the top of my white sandals. So, just about anything white in my closet becomes disposable. Therefore, I needed this pair of adorable white sandals that were calling my name. They had a pair in my size and seemed  comfortable enough in the store for my weird feet. How many times have I done that? Bought a pair of shoes that were comfortable enough in the store or even at home but once I left the house they weren't as comfortable? I was willing to take my chances on these super cute white sandals.
Feel free to start a pool on when the first drop of hot sauce will land on the top of these.

 Being back home I was also excited to go to church. I had heard they had a great Mother's Day service planned and I have been feeling spiritual dry having not yet found a home church in the Boston area. From the minute the first worship song began, the tears flowed. I was home and just like my favorite pair of Uggs, I felt comfort and warmth. The message delivered to us was awesome and though I shouldn't be surprised, it was exactly what I needed to hear. Funny ( as in peculiar not haha)  thing, the message wasn't about my comfort but rather about allowing God to use me in the lives of others and to step out of my comfort zone. To be willing to take risks -in other words- put on a pair of less than super comfortable  Uggs and walk a mile or two in shoes that won't be quite so comfortable. Shoes that might cause some discomfort once I leave the house, ones that might even give me a few blisters and cause some swelling. One of my favorite quotes I found in Streams in the Desert years ago, the  author said " Each of us may be sure that if God sends us over rocky paths, He will provide us with sturdy  shoes. He will never send us on any journey without equipping us well." I love that! Although,  it doesn't say, they will be comfortable shoes but sturdy ones. God will provide all that I need to walk the journey He sends me on no matter how uncomfortable it gets. That is a promise! 
"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus". (Philippians 4:19 NLT)

 Today as I head out the door not really knowing where God might lead me, I'm putting on those new super cute white sandals knowing that they might not be as comfortable once I leave the comfort of these four walls. He might ask me to say or do something that might be a little inconvenient or uncomfortable.  What I learned in the message at church this weekend, life isn't meant to be all warm and comfortable or preserved in a pair of Uggs. It's meant to be risky and purposeful and often times uncomfortable. With that will come swollen dirty feet and possibly some blisters. I don't want to live this life safe and unused by God.  I want to live a passionate, purpose driven life so that, when I arrive in heaven standing before God with swollen, blister covered feet in my super cute white sandals that will most likely be covered in dirt and hot sauce; I want to hear Him say " Well done good and faithful servant" . What a great reminder of why I am here. I know I have a long way to go yet. 

Pressing On



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