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Wearing White

I’m one of those messy eaters. I can almost guarantee when I have chips and salsa, I will be wearing salsa for the remainder of the day or until I can get to a change of clothes. I love hot sauce and basically put it on everything. If I am wearing white and even bring the hot sauce out of the refrigerator and my husband is around to witness it, he will jokingly say “Hope you aren’t attached to that shirt.”

A few years ago, I found a new hot sauce that I love. It’s green and extremely hot! Appropriately named Green Dragon Sauce. Did I mention that it’s green? As if that’s a game changer. It’s not! I now have green dragon sauce running down the front of my top.  I think I need to buy more dark colored shirts and less white. 

I love white though, don’t you? It screams clean and pure!  I have a few pairs of white pants and shorts. In fact, I wore a pair to the golf tournament last weekend. Jim went off to buy a hot dog, I actually thought, “It’s good I don’t eat hotdogs with running mustard.” That could be a perfect storm. Instead, I sat down on the nice cool, green grass waiting for Rickie Fowler to come by. I could almost feel the green grass stains inch their way into the white fabric.

Another time, while driving home from the grocery store I opened up a new bottle of Kombucha. If you don’t know what that is, you’re missing out. It’s a fermented tea, full of goodness. This particular flavor was called heart beet. So yes, it is chock full of beet juice. Funny thing about fermented tea, it naturally carbonates itself. Super fun when you are wearing your favorite white shorts and you open it while driving. I don’t recommend this. As I was driving I opened it and all of that yummy goodness of heart beet poured onto my lap and ran under my shorts. I can’t even tell you! 

Here’s the good news.....Resolve! I use that on everything too because I am such a messy eater and apparently, sitter on all things grassy. I have a spray bottle of this stuff in my laundry room. I think it was once called Spray n’ Wash, maybe the carpet cleaning company bought them out. I don’t know but it has done wonders on my hot sauce disasters and even performed a miracle on the beet juice. Therefore, I am able to wear white. Thank you Resolve! 

You know, I’m pretty messy in many areas of my life not just eating. I have stained more than shirts and shorts. I was thinking about this over Easter weekend. Why Jesus chose to die on that cross. He was the only man to ever walk this earth literally stain free. He was perfect. Never messy. And yet..... He basically said “give me that mess of yours, I will wear it and I will resolve this once and for all” and He did. He died for the mess I made in my past, He died for the messes I continue to make as hard as I try not to. And He died for the messes I am going to make while still here on earth. He is my Resolve. 

Only a loving God would do that. He created us to be with Him. I am forever thankful that He didn’t wait for me to clean up my mess. He loves me, messy, covered in grass stains and all! 

He wants nothing more than to resolve our messes. He sees those messes, loves us anyway and wants to be with us forever. So much so, He sent His one and only Son to shed His heart beet blood to wash us white as snow in order to make that happen. Talk about resolve. He is ours for the taking. We can bring all of our messes to Him. There is no mess too big or too great that He won’t resolve so that He can bring you to Himself. He loves us that much! 

Pressing On 

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8 NIV

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”
Ephesians 2:13 NIV

““He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”

1 Peter 2:22-25 NIV


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