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Blue Skies and Grasshoppers

I’m sitting outside with my computer today. It’s that nice out! Beautiful, blue sky with just enough of a breeze for the wind chimes to sound. The birds are singing and Annie is contently, laying belly down at my feet because we played hard. I find all kinds of reasons to be outdoors on a day like today. I even took her for a walk after my outdoor group exercise. I still haven’t showered. So there’s that. Another reason to be outside in the breeze.

I was glad I had my phone on a day like today so I could snap a few pictures. Everything is in full bloom. Trees now have their green leaves again. The contrast against the blue is always stunning to me.  Knowing that the heat of summer is coming soon and the humidity it will bring makes me want to truly savor this moment. 

I often ask God, “Show me You today” and most of the time (not always) He does so in nature. 
He will send a Cardinal to remind me of Phoenix. He has kissed my face with snowflakes in Chicago when I truly needed to hear from Him and sense His presence. Today, He just reminded me of how good He is as I walked by some pine trees. The  smell reminded me of Boston and He knows how much I love that and miss it. Yet, here He is reminding me that He is here and always good to me. 

It’s easy to see God’s goodness on a day like today when all things are clear. But, I have also seen His goodness in the not-so-clear days. When the skies are grey and the thunder is crashing so hard the house shakes, He will bring a semi-sweet chocolate lab to cuddle up with me (out of fear herself but still a miracle from God).  When the snow keeps coming and I can’t get to the mailbox, a kind neighbor who never spoke word to me before walks out to help me shovel. When the rain literally floods a city, strangers pull each other out of the muddy waters, feed and clothe and lend a helping hand to clean up. God is good! He is always near. 

I have been struggling in my prayer life lately. It’s an odd place for me to be and I’m not  even sure why that is. I just have felt lately that I am sort of going through the motions of praying. Not that I have to have some special “prayer formula” I mean, praying is simply talking to God. So, I just don’t get it. But, I continue praying knowing and trusting that He is there, He is good and He hears my prayers. Whether He answers them the way I want Him to or not. He is still good.

A few weeks ago I was in Phoenix visiting the kids. It was a so great. I had some one-on-one time with each of them that was just real special. Don’t get me started on that sweet grand baby of mine. Oh my! Is God ever so good to me!!  Jacqueline wanted to go to this boutique that we had heard about. I got to talking with the owner’s daughter who mentioned she was engaged. Such an exciting time in her life. I asked her some questions, wanting details of the date, where etc…. She was giddy as most brides-to-be are. However, she told me she was worried about grasshoppers.  I guess they are known to come out during that time of year at that location. Oh, I can relate!  I am so not a fan of grasshoppers I told her. When we lived in Vegas we had a weird season of grasshoppers. I think we might have called it the "Year of the Locust." They gave me nightmares for awhile. 

Jacqueline made her purchases and as we were leaving I wished the young bride-to-be well on her upcoming wedding day. I smiled and told her I’d be praying for her and that I would pray that God would keep the grasshoppers at bay. We got in the car and I prayed “ God please, remind me to pray for her later”. Anyone else, pray to pray?

I flew home a few days later and went on about my life. A few more days went by and I prayed once again, “ God show me you today”. Annie and I heading out on our run and it was a great day. Although she insists on doing her business for me to pick up and lug around. As I bent down to scoop it up, a giant grasshopper jumped up at me and landled on my leg. At first, I sort of freaked out. But then….. I smiled! “Thank you God for showing yourself to me and for reminding me to pray for that sweet young gal and her wedding day."  And I did just that the whole way home. 

God continues to show Himself to me in many ways. He is good and He always hears my prayer. I do believe He has a sense of humor and that old familiar saying came to mind “ Be careful what you prayer for”. 

~Pressing On 

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8

"We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds." Psalm 75:11

" For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks the door will be open" 
Matthew 7:8


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