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Thirty Three and Counting

We had a full weeks vacation to Hawaii last week and I don't even know where to begin to tell you. It seems most of our vacations the past several years have either been moving, visiting family, or moving the kids to and from college. We’ve had some very nice get-aways for a few days but this seven days away was a breath of fresh air. 

With all access communication these days it's hard to unplug and relax. I feel like it takes a day or two to really get in the groove of vacation. I was so thankful for this time away with my hubby. He had bought this trip for me for Christmas so I had been anticipating it for six months. We had been to this island before when we were just a young married couple. So it was a blast to go back and see it through more “mature” eyes.

We also did more “mature” things this time around. Like go to bed before the sunset our first night. In our defense we had been up since 2:45 am to catch an early flight so by the time  we got settled into our hotel room with the time change we were on midnight, Houston time. No judging please. 

We woke up at 3:30 am the next day ready go. We enjoyed a run along the coastline and watched the sun come up before most of the other tourist had their first cup of coffee. To me that is the best time of the day. I absolutely love mornings. Give me a sunrise any day of the week! I love watching the world wake up. 

We did all kinds of sightseeing and hiking. We walked along the sandy beach, swam in the warm, crystal clear water. I floated in the infinity pool overlooking the ocean, we ate delicious food and shopped the vendors on the street. We stayed in a beautiful hotel and I kept thinking this is just amazing. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was real. 

More importantly, we reconnected with each other. We talked and laughed and reminisced about our previous trip and how instead of using the app, I would have to hold a giant fold out map to tell him which exit to take off the freeway. We smiled at how many fights we had because I never gave him enough heads up for said exit. We talked about the future and some dreams we share. We talked about our kids and our grand baby that will be here before we know it and how incredibly blessed we are with the family God has given us. 

We celebrated our 33rd anniversary while we were there and can I just tell you that a lot happens in 33 years of marriage. As Rocky would say “ It ain't all sunshine and rainbows” and there are very few dream like vacations that we had last week. Marriage is full of hard work with good times and not so good times, there are ups and downs, peeks and valleys. Trials and triumphs, wins and losses. But I am so thankful for all of it. I'm thankful for the trials as much as the triumphs. We learned a lot and grew from those times and I believe we are better for it. 

I keep thanking God for this incredible opportunity. The vacation was something I won't soon forget but what I am really thankful for was the much needed reconnect with Jim. I'm forever grateful for this marriage that He has given me.  Though not perfect, because no marriage is; it's perfect for me. There was once a time when I wondered if we would make it to 15 years much less 33. I give God all the credit for what He has done and is still doing in us. He has changed us and continues to do so.

Marriage takes work and commitment like anything else worth fighting for. It's not always easy because it involves two imperfect people wanting their way. Submitting to others is hard because we live in a world that says “have it your way.” Well, my way is self centered and causes more problems in the long run. I'm thankful I didn't get my way all those years ago because I don't believe we would be here celebrating 33 years and I can't imagine where our kids would be. I could have missed out on so much! God’s way works. Our marriage is living proof of that. Again, not perfect, but full.

I share all of this not to point to us and how blessed we are but to encourage you. If you're a young married and wondering if you made a mistake in marrying the man you share a house with because things just aren't what you thought they would be, if you've been married a while and are going through the motions or you've been wanting your way for so long that you are willing to throw in the towel…..hang in there.. Get away with each other, even if for one night. It doesn't have to be a fancy vacation. Unplug and focus on your spouse. talk to each other and truly listen. Look for all that he is doing right. Chances are he is working his tail off to provide for your family. He comes home exhausted every night and would love to come home to a house of peace, order and a home cooked meal. As a dear friend once told me, " it's just some fine tweaking here and there."

Give your spouse and your marriage over to God. Surrender. Wave the white flag and trust the One who made you to have His way in your life and marriage. He will blow you away with His goodness. 

Pressing On 

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV

“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.”

Proverbs 31:10-12 NIV

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.”

Ephesians 5:21-23 NIV

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

Hebrews 10:35-36 NIV


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