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Together is Better

As much as I need time alone with God I also know I need people and community in my life. I think it's safe to say we all do. Together is better for many reasons. We need one another to build each other up, encourage one another, challenge each other and hold one another accountable. 

When I make a commitment to do something and don't bring others in on that commitment it's much easier to break. Nobody's the wiser. Which is why, when I make a commitment to eat clean I will (most of the time) mention it to Jim That way when I'm in the pantry reaching for those leftover chocolate Easter eggs, I know that he knows I've made a commitment not to eat that stuff. Not that he is the chocolate police and will scold me for it but it's that accountability that I need to finish strong. 

Recently, I've been going alone in my fitness regimen. I'm a solo runner and love that. I can also just hop on YouTube for a video and do a workout no problem. We have a small home gym and I have committed to using it at least twice a week. That's a commitment that is very easy to break. The laundry calls, the phone beeps or rings, the weather turns out to be a perfect day for a run, so it's just easier for me to grab my running shoes and head out the door. 

Along with some changes to my eating habits my doctor suggested I change things up a bit in my fitness routine. Though running is great, it's has also taken a toll on my joints. She suggested I add some strength training and perhaps yoga... blah, blah, blah.....of course I tuned her out again. Argghh! Why am I so stubborn sometimes? I don't always like change. I think I can embrace it until it's going to take too much work on my part. And this would take some work. 

I tried to make these changes on my own but I kept falling back into my old routine or habits. Knowing that I need to be around people I revisited the idea of joining a gym. I love group fitness and thought that might motivate me to change in the area I need. I looked into one not too far from here and within my budget. They offered a three day pass etc. I wanted to be sure I wasn't going to break a commitment once I signed that dreaded contract. I also needed to grab a few things at the grocery store that day. First things first- grocery store it is. Sheesh, can you sense my procrastination?

As I went to grab a cart in front of the store I see a tent event going on. Usually this is a window company or Girl Scout's selling cookies so I knew I would just walk right on by. I'm typically quick to say "No thank you" at such prospecting events. Don't get me started on the Mall Kiosks. As I'm turning with my cart, a young man approaches me and asked if I've heard of them. He points over to the tent that reads Camp Gladiator. That's right! An outdoor group fitness program. Now, I am just as shocked as you might be to know that I did not say "No thank you" and move on. Instead to my own surprise I said " No, tell me more"  I saw this as a God thing. 
And was intrigued.

Of course they were running a special for a four week camp and I would get a free t-shirt.  I can't recall ever doing anything like this. And by that I mean, running to the grocery store for eggs and coming home with a gym membership. But I did. I committed to a four week program and was scared out of my running shorts, even though I was promised it wasn't an extreme program or high demanding boot camp. My knees are just too old for that stuff.  

Their banner read, among other things;  "Together is Better". We shall see.

I came home and told Jim what I'd signed up for. I rarely sign up or purchase things without first talking to him so I was prepared to cancel if he wasn't in agreement but he was very supportive and encouraging. While still having that same smirk on his face that he does when he thinks I'm a little crazy,  I told him I was going the next day for my first go of it. I needed to tell him so that I wouldn't be tempted to opt out and also in case I didn't come home because I passed out or broke a hip. He also knows that I enjoy being in community so he wished me luck on this four week commitment. 

Tuesday was my first day. I went a bit nervous. I think anything different can be scary. Whether that is fear of it being too hard physically, fear of being the oldest one there, the youngest one there, not knowing anyone is also a bit scary. What if no one likes me? What if they think I'm weird?  I figured I would be the oldest and slowest in the group. Affirmative. But I was willing to step out and see where this would take me in my growth. I mean I want to continue to grow in all areas of my life. Physical health is part of that. I always want to keep that in perspective though. It's important for me to take care of myself while not being overly focused that it becomes more important than my spiritual health and growth. Spiritual growth involves being with people so I need to set my fears aside and get out there. 

I have to say that I loved it! It was set up in this beautiful park, the trainer had stations set up and a dice game and she paired us off with partners. The time flew and I met some awesome people! I came home and Jim had texted me "Well, can you walk? " translated 
" Are you alive?" I told him that night how much I enjoyed it and that I might have made some new friends. I was sore in all the right places and that tells me that I will see some changes if I will keep my commitment. 

You know, I do believe together is better. I believe that God wants us in community to build each other up. To encourage one another to keep our commitment we made to him and to others, to challenge each other to grow in every area of our life and to hold each other accountable to do all of the above. We also learn from others. It never ceases to amazing when I meet new people they are often going through some of the same things I either have walked through or am now walking through. God works that way a lot. He brings people in our path that need us to encourage them with "Hey, I've walked that journey and here's what God did in my life through it" Or they encourage us with those same words. 

Once again I am excited to see how God will use this time I have committed to see change. It's no accident that I walked into that grocery store that day. I might not build a ton of muscle in four short weeks but I might build some lasting relationships. And isn't that why we are all here anyway? 

Pressing On

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NIV

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
1 Timothy 4:8 NIV


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