I was talking with my daughter the other day and she shared an unpleasant experience she and her husband had with a neighbor. They have a sweet six month old puppy and while taking him on a walk they got an ear full from someone they don't even know. Nor does she know them.
They live in a nice neighborhood that also provides doggy stations, bags and bins to pick up after your pet. I know they are good about picking up after him and she was telling me that little Hank just couldn't hold it and went right there in the middle of his walk on the sidewalk. They both looked at each other and realized the doggy station was still a ways up the walk. Her husband said we'll get a bag and grab it on our way back. No sooner was he saying that, a lady came speeding around the corner as if she were the poop police.
She went on for sometime with accusations of their intentions. To drive her point home, she used loud and colorful language. They were so stunned they could hardly respond before she sped off again. I would imagine it got them a little worked up. They had good intentions and a plan to do the right thing. But people can be so quick to assume, point fingers, cast blame and place judgement can't they?
I can do the same thing. I love our new neighborhood and Texas in general. The people are so nice and considerate. Until you get on I-45. Some (not all) drive super fast and weave in and out of traffic. It can be a bit overwhelming. The other day I was in a situation on a busy street with a 45 speed limit. A large truck was riding my tail and I had nowhere to go. The car next to me on the right wasn't going anywhere fast and the shoulder to the left of me didn't allow me to get over either. I wasn't about to risk a ticket for this guy.
As soon as he had an inch he swerved over and then cut inches in front to pass me. It happened so fast and I found my blood rise. What a jerk I thought. I wish I could tell him how selfish it is to put so many others in danger. I began to get really mad, assuming he was just like all the other crazy drivers. Then I thought "Wait Connie, you have no idea of his circumstances. You can't see the bigger picture here." I'm not justitfying his actions but, what if he was on his way to the hospital because his wife was in labor? What if one of his kids were hurt or one of his parents were in danger? We just don't know what is going on in other people's world. We might see one thing and are quick to assume the worst in people.
I can be so quick to come to conclusions, point fingers and judge when someone does something that offends me. I act like the poop police. But I really don't know what is going on in their world and it's not up to me to judge them anyway. That is the Lord's job. I'm responsible for my own actions. So, what if he was just being selfish? He will answer to that. As we all will one day. I can pray he doesn't hurt anyone. I doubt I will ever see him again so why am I going to let him ruin my day?
I'll bet that lady that yelled at my kids and sped off had a terrible day after that. For what? A little poop. What if they were just visiting the neighborhood? What if she had just stopped and had an actual conversation with them and found out that they did indeed plan on picking up after their dog?
There is no joy in getting worked up over what everyone else is or isn't doing or even in the way we think things should be done. I know I don't need to be running around acting like the poop police.
Pressing On
“Don’t jump to conclusions—there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.”
Proverbs 25:8 MSG
" So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God."
“There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?”
James 4:12 NIV
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