I wish had the faith of Abraham. I read about this incredible godly man and think, "Oh to have that faith that obeys on command." I don't. I delay and I ask questions of God first. " Are you sure God?" "Maybe I misunderstood what you are asking me to do" then come all of the other questions I think I need answers to such as "Why?" "What if this happens or that happens? This just doesn't make sense."
God doesn't always give us the reason or details of what He is asking of us. Most of the time it doesn't make sense. But make no mistake, if you are a follower of Jesus, you are part of His great purpose. His purpose is to know Him and follow His lead because He has a plan.
Obedience isn't doing for God to get something in return. It's choosing to follow Him because of what He has already done and the promise of what is yet to come. That is faith in action. That is what Abraham and so many others in the Bible showed us. Trusting the One who created me for His purpose. Regardless of whether I get answers or not.
When we were called out of Arizona to the Midwest nearly four years ago, I had no idea where God was leading us. But in faith, I followed my husband because that is what God has called me to do. It didn't make sense for this time in our life. I had many questions for God, " Are you sure this is what you are asking?" " What if this or that happens?" " Will we come back?" And on and on and on the questions came. Not only did I not get quick answers but I got more uncomfortable leading. "Now go to the East Coast.... now go to Texas"
What a ride it has been. I have seen God's hand in all of it. He has never left my side during the lonely, scary and storming days. He has shown me people and places that I only read about. More importantly, I got to know God a bit more. We always get to know someone better by spending more time with them. And I definitely spent more time with God during those times of loneliness or in the storms.
I'm finding more and more that God is faithful and worthy of my trust and praise! He doesn't need to prove Himself to me. He is God. He doesn't need me to fulfill His purpose and yet He chooses to use me everyday and show me that He is faithful. I need only to follow wherever He is leading and simply obey whatever He is asking of me. Sometimes that's just to be patient with the disabled cashier at Target or get up early and make my husband breakfast. Sometimes it's to ask that girl for coffee and listen to her story. Sometimes it's to share my story to encourage another or open up my home for a bible study. And yes, sometimes it's pack up and move again ( thankfully He isn't asking that again -for now).
Obedience isn't a very popular word in today's culture. I have done things my way, demanding to take the lead in the past and lived in complete disharmony. Constantly fight for my way, only to be left holding a bag of discontentment and bitterness. It's not a life of joy or peace and certainly not the life God has for us. I have learned that God is in control whether we give it to Him or not. His plan works because He really does know what's best for His children.
Taking God at His word brings peace and contentment by knowing that the One who made me won't leave me to figure it all out on my own. He might not give me all the answers I want but He most certainly will lead me to the next place that will only be for my good and His glory. All part of His perfect plan. What a joy to be a part of it!
I am holding everything loosely and asking God to show me the next step He wants me to take rather than giving Him my list of doubting questions. I want to be more like Abraham and simply follow whenever the Lord says "Go".
Pressing On
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
Matthew 16:24 NIV
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me."
John 10:27 NIV
“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”
Hebrews 11:8 NIV
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