It's easy to do the familiar because it feels safe and comfortable. I typically go to the same stores, restaurants and coffee shops that I like. I have my favorite parking places, buy the same brand of things and order the same tall americano nine times out of ten. It's safe. I have become very familiar now with our neighborhood and the route that I run, three to four times a week. I really don't even need to take my watch with me anymore. I know what street I need to turn down if I want to add another mile to my run. I know what street I need to cross because there's a barking dog that I fear may clear the fence one day. I know what sidewalk has a pitch in it and I will need to watch my step so I don't trip and fall on my face. I love that familiarity about those runs. But, it can feel routine and sort of like a going-through-the-motions kind of thing.
Today, I had an early appointment that would put me in an area that isn't too far from our house. I've always wanted to run in that area. It's beautiful with lush trees and pathways that are protected in a way that they give the feeling of seclusion yet they aren't. They are just woodsy sidewalks that bend and twist along the main road. I was tempted to just come home; grab Annie and do my familiar routine because its safe. But I was prompted to get out of my norm, step out of my comfort zone and explore the unknown.
Who could have known, I would have one of the best runs I've had in a while?! Although, my music was familiar it sounded better today. I had some worship music on my playlist and songs that I had heard many times but in these new surroundings they took on a whole new experience. I found myself truly appreciating that God allows me to do this at all. What a blessing!
So much of it reminded me of Boston when I would run through the park there. I remember the last time I did that before we moved, thinking oh how I will miss this. And now I am in awe that God has given this little blessing to me here in Houston. He didn't have to but He chose to and I am thankful.
When we first moved here I told God that this is His house to do what He sees fit. But I was also excited about getting plugged into our new church and connecting with other women. The website promised a daytime womens bible study. I was hoping it would be familiar like the one I had in Phoenix and Chicago. But it never happened. I don't know why and as I look back now, I'm glad. Because it forced me to open up my home to hold one here. I didn't know anyone but I listened to God tell me to invite women and He brought some incredible women to this house.
Each week, I am amazed at what God is doing and again am so thankful that He uses me at all. Yesterday, it was a gorgeous morning. We sat around our table in the backyard and it was awesome. Not surprisingly, we all share a lot in common. We encourage each other, challenge one another and lift each other up in prayer. When everyone left I smiled and thanked God that He chose to stretch me this way. It would have been very easy to get plugged into the familiarity of a bible study group at church. I would have loved it and I know God would have used that however He wanted. But then I could have missed out on the pretty cool stuff He is doing right in my own home.
There is a lot to be said about routine and consistency because that takes discipline and discipline builds character. However, if we get so stuck in our ways of familiarity for our own comfort those things can hold us back from doing what God has called us to do. If I always do the same thing I've always done, I won't grow much and I also might miss out on some pretty amazing stuff that God has for me. He gave me a glimpse of that today.
-Pressing On
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.””
Joshua 1:9 NIV
“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”
Psalm 34:8 NIV
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