I love that I have a running partner in Annie. I've always wanted a dog to go running with and I'm she sure loves it too. In fact, each morning she watches my every move. Scratch that, she walks under my feet anticipating my next move. She is very smart in many ways. She knows the difference in my running shoes and my regular work out shoes. If I put on workout shoes she knows we are hitting the workout room and it won't involve more than her licking my face, chewing my arm or lying on the mat while I try to do sit ups.
But when those colorful Brooks come out of the closet, she starts her dancing and spinning and basically freaking out. If you've seen the Dr. Doolittle movie when the dog is jumping up and down asking a million times for him to throw the ball, you get a visual of what this looks like. She loves to go running.
The problem is, she wants to lead. All the time. And she has her own pace that she likes to run. Fast. Right out of the gate. I prefer to start off at a slower pace and increase once I've warmed up. Not Annie. Book it as fast as you can until you run out of gas. That's her pace. Which depending on the temperature of the day will determine when she slows down. I've yet to see her totally run out of gas while on one of our runs. She is not one to miss a party. I am beginning to imagine my death will involve a squirrel chase through the woods while I cling desperately to the end of Annie's leash.
Today was no different. I'm trying to work on her. I want her at my side as a nice running companion. Also, I know the way we are going. I know what is best for her. But she still shot out of the the driveway at a record pace and I calmly said, "Annie, easy". To which she replied- not a chance. Arggh.
God teaches me a lot through this goofy dog. As she was running ahead of me, frantically sniffy every inch of grass looking for those squirrels as I'm commanding "This way, over here, easy." I thought how often do I do that with God? He wants a relationship with me, to be His companion and journey with Him. He wants to lead because He knows where we are going and what is best for me along the way.
When He says " This way, over here, easy Connie" I'm going "Not a chance, SQUIRREL!" I can get so easily distracted and run ahead of God with my own agenda at my own pace. Yikes! This was a good visual for me this morning.
I'm a Christ follower. Which means I need to slow my pace down and let Him lead. Sometimes that means saying no to things that will get me off course (Squirrels). Might not be bad things but not the best things. I'm learning the difference. Sometimes that might mean saying yes to something I don't feel like saying yes to, but trust God knows what's best. He always has my best interest at heart and it will be for my own good. He knows the way in order to grow me. It's almost always something I don't "feel" like doing. I've seen His faithfulness in the past lead me to incredible places and spiritual growth, even through some painful miles. I can trust Him to lead at His pace and trust He will get me where He wants to take me today.
-Pressing On
“With all my heart I have sought You, [inquiring of You and longing for You]; Do not let me wander from Your commandments [neither through ignorance nor by willful disobedience].”
PSALM 119:10 AMP
“Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for?”
Matthew 16:24-26 MSG
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:27 NIV
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