Last Monday was one of those gloomy days. Gray skies and pouring rain. Just was well, I had stuff to do. Maybe it was the Monday blues, the dreary weather, missing my family or the chocolate hangover I had from the plethora of Easter candy I consumed, but I was somewhat depressed. I couldn't seem to snap out of it. So, I cleaned up the house, I packed up the Easter decorations and did a few loads of laundry. I needed to feel productive. I took a shower but didn't bother putting on make-up. I did however put on a clean pair of pj's. Pathetic, I know but I wasn't up for leaving the house; so why waste an outfit and generate more laundry for myself? Besides, I couldn't put the same Jammie's on and have my husband think I didn't do anything all day. Goodness! I couldn't put my finger on why I was down so I just stayed in and read the rest of the day. I am re-reading The Purpose Driven Life in our bible study and am finding it to be incredibly encouraging a...