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Showing posts from March, 2016


Last Monday was one of those gloomy days. Gray skies and pouring rain. Just was well, I had stuff to do. Maybe it was the Monday blues, the dreary weather, missing my family or the chocolate hangover I had from the plethora of Easter candy I consumed, but I was somewhat depressed. I couldn't seem to snap out of it.  So, I cleaned up the house, I packed up the Easter decorations and did a few loads of laundry. I needed to feel productive. I took a shower but didn't bother putting on make-up. I did however put on a clean pair of pj's. Pathetic, I know but I wasn't up for leaving the house; so why waste an outfit and generate more laundry for myself? Besides, I couldn't put the same Jammie's on and have my husband think I didn't do anything all day. Goodness!  I couldn't put my finger on why I was down so I just stayed in and read the rest of the day. I am re-reading The Purpose Driven Life in our bible study and am finding it to be incredibly encouraging a...

No Need to Fret

Sometimes I fret over things that aren't in my control. Sometimes they are little things like, what if the snow last week kills off the daffodils that just began peeking out of the soil? That is a little thing but I remember the ridiculous blister I got on my hand planting those bulbs last fall. I want to see the fruits of my hard labor. So, I had a mini anxiety attack when the snow practically covered them last week. Not much I could do so why fret? And seriously? Am I really going to spend that much energy on something that has absolutely no eternal value?  Then there are bigger things I can fret over. Bigger things that can allow fret to grow into worry. Just watching the news and anxiety can kick in. Or I hear a siren in the distance when I know Jim is on his way home from work. Anxiety develops into worry. There have been so many times in my life that I lied awake at night freaking out over what might happen if a certain circumstance didn't go my way. The anxiety was great...


When our daughter was in high school she took a Spanish class. I remember a particular time while I was busy in the kitchen and she was telling me something. I'm sure in her mind it was of the utmost importance. If it was important to her, it should have be important to me too. Unfortunately, I can't remember what it was but I do remember being preoccupied. Then she said something that stopped me in my tracks,  "escucha." I looked at her not because I was all of a sudden engaged but because I had no idea of what she meant. I asked her what that word meant in English and if she had just cussed me out in Spanish? She laughed and said "No, it means listen.... Mom, you weren't even listening." Urrghh! I so dislike when I do that. I get side tracked or preoccupied with my own agenda and thoughts that bounce around in my head that I can't listen to those that need me to.  I wish I could tell you that some eight plus years later I have nailed it. That I am ...

It Takes A Village

You have probably heard the expression, it takes a village in raising your kids. But I think that applies to so much more than just parenting. I think it takes a village in other things as well, like maybe getting a big job done or more simply, going through life. We aren't meant to do it alone. We are made for community and I'm finding that more and more, I appreciate my village. I was asked recently about my village, my "support group", as she worded it. I smiled and teared up a bit because I am so incredibly blessed with a group of women who cheer me on, push me when I need to be pushed and lift me up in prayer. And that's just a portion of my village. I'm fortunate enough to have a family who does the same for me. I know that is rare. Some people don't have either, much less both and that breaks my heart. We aren't meant to go it alone.  I'm thankful for modern technology today that allows me to stay connected across the miles to my village. Wh...