A dear friend of mine gave me a necklace for Christmas last year that reads "There are no Shortcuts to Any Journey Worth Going". Oh how true I have discovered that to be. Often times, I can't see the destination, the journey is a little bit of a rough road but then I arrive and think wow! That was awesome! I have also learned to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
For example, my nieces came for a visit and I took them on a hike. I had only heard of this place so we had no idea what to expect. At the bottom of the hill were a few different paths marked out. We chose a course and began the trek up the huge hill. There were steep grades, some rocky spots and a few twists and turns in the path. But I cherished the time I had with them on that path. We laughed, we talked about life, struggles and dreams. I saw the beauty in the journey and when we arrived at the top, we found a tower that overlooked the entire city. It was incredible. I can only imagine it on a clear day.
The view from the top
Another example would be, where I am today. There wasn't a short cut from Arizona to our temporary home in Boston two years ago. In fact, we had a six month pit stop in Chicago. There were some steep grades to climb emotionally, some rocky spots that challenged me spiritually, and some twists and turns that were unexpected. But I can say it's been a journey that I am thankful didn't have shortcuts. I have seen God's hand in it all and it has been well worth it.
Jim asked me the other day if I'm starting to really like it here? I smiled and said "I'm afraid to answer that because I'm afraid to get too comfortable here". I know this isn't home but it is beginning to feel like it. Although, when I flew back to Phoenix last month for our daughter's shower as the plane landed I had that "home" feeling. Phoenix in September can still feel like summer with triple digit temperatures. So, when I got off the plane, walked outside and was hit with that familiar heat and smell of the desert, ( not to mention being surrounded by the kids, family and friends) I had those "feels like home" emotions overwhelm me again.
That destination was awesome. My flight was delayed by two hours, so I spent roughly four hours at the gate. Met some interesting people and sometimes it's those interesting people that can make you really grateful for what you have- you know what I mean? Add that to the long flight against the wind for a total of nearly a ten hour trip. But, it was so worth the journey to get there. Spending time with our family and friends filled my heart. Seeing how well the "kids" are doing on their own and the young adults they have become brings me no greater joy.
I think that was a journey in itself. There are no shortcuts to parenting and I'm thankful that we didn't take any. Did we make mistakes? You bet we did. Are there some things we would have done differently? Absolutely! But I can't help watching them in awe, as they strive and thrive at being the individuals God has called them to be. I smile and am so thankful God has allowed me the privilege of being their mom. And I have been given a front row seat to now watch them on their own journey with Him.
I know they will also experience some steep grades, rocky spots and twists and turns that life will throw at them. They will make mistakes and probably look back later one day and wish they had done some things differently too. But I am so thankful they all have Jesus as their guide. They choose to follow Him and they also know that a life with Jesus isn't perfect and it most certainly isn't easy. There are no shortcuts. But it's a life full of hope, promises and is so worth the journey.
I am forever grateful for this journey God called us on a little over a decade ago. I'm thankful that there are no shortcuts so that I don't miss anything. He has been with me every step of the way and will continue to be. I want the steep grades up the hill that leave me breathless, the rocky spots that challenge me to be courageous and the twists and turns that bring the unexpected because in that I see God in His glory do amazing things!
And for what it's worth, when my plane landed back in Boston a few days later, I did have a slight sense of "feels like home" - however temporary it may be.
- Pressing On
“Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.”
Psalms 25:4-5 NLT
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
“The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.”
Psalms 37:23-24 NLT
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