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I'm Cheering For You!

We had an incredible opportunity to attend the Boston Marathon this year. They were expecting a million people in attendance. It was raining and I was glad I wasn't running but spectating instead. We had passes to the Grand Stands at the finish line and I was looking forward to seeing the finishers cross the line. As a previous runner from years past I was quickly reminded of the adrenaline rush of coming around that corner to the finish line after a grueling  26 miles. And the incredible spectators cheering me on all the way to the finish. 

I remember the crowd cheering us runners on every step of the way. That's one thing I can say about New England. They love their sports and are the most enthusiastic fans I've ever seen. The marathon is no exception and particularly after the bombing in 2013! They rally together and encourage the runners with cheers, bells, orange slices and red vines.  All  from the shot gun start to the last runner to cross the line. It is amazing! 

The security this year was intense and we had to go through several check points to get to the stands. The final check point included a metal detector so the line was backed up a bit. We were hoping to get through in time to see the winners come across the finish line.  Police, security and bomb sniffing dogs were all over. Boston is not going to allow a repeat of 2013, that is pretty clear. As we were just about through that final check point,  a group of men came rushing the line and flashing their VIP badges. To which the police said " Whoa, whoa, whoa, get in line" they had a BAA official with them who explained that their runner was about to cross the finish line in first place. They said that didn't matter and that they still had to go through the metal detector and get in line. We were cheering them on to go through but security wasn't budging.  As we were corralled through the detector, they must have called people in higher places because shortly after that they were running past us saying things like, " here she comes, she's so close". 

We got to the fence just in time to see who their " she " was.  A young girl from Kenya was on the  Jumbotron, running neck and neck along side another young girl, both had the finish in sight and pressing hard. I was intrigued by the girl's cheerleading squad, I stopped to watch them. I  watched as the girls approached  and then I glanced back to  the guys cheering her on. I couldn't  take my eyes off of them. They were jumping up and down like school girls, tears in one guys eyes, running down his cheeks as he screamed "go, go, go, come on." The raw emotion on his face is one I won't soon forget. I wish I had taken a picture of him. He wanted more than anything for his girl to win. And just like that the girl from Kenya ( his girl) broke away and came across the finish line, winning by four seconds. It was so fun to watch. I found myself crying right along with them ( if you know me that's no surprise to you).  I congratulated them and we moved on to the stands to await the men's finish. It wasn't as exciting but I did grab a photo of that! What was cool is that I heard he  is the same guy who won the horrible year of the bombing.  I'm sure this meant more to him than anything and he too had the whole crowd cheering him on.

The crowd cheered for every runner, not just the big shot, fast ones competing for the crown. They cheered just as loud for those that would go home with only a metal and the bragging rights of being a Boston Marathon Finisher as they did for the first place, crown wearing, purse filling winner. That was super cool! And I thought..... " What if we did that for each other? I mean really cheer one another on in this race called life? Wouldn't that be great! 

I am reading a great book right now called Unstoppable: Running the Race You were Born to Run by Christine Caine.  The Christian journey is a race, it's a  marathon not a sprint!  God has us all on different legs of our race. He has equipped us to run our own race. It's a training ground for what lies ahead. This book is great in many ways, but what I really like about it is the encouragement she gives us to run our own race and pass the baton. Of course she totally speaks my language with the word pictures of running a race, so that's a bonus! But I can hear her cheering me on in the pages as see writes. It made me think of the Boston Marathon and then of course the cheerleaders I have in my life. I'm so thankful for the squad I have that jump up and down for me. They encouraging me to keep running my own race and not quit. They even encourage me  to pass the baton to the next generation. 

I hope you know I'm cheering for you too. I want to be your cheerleader through this journey of life. It's not always easy running our own race.  I sometimes think to myself, " I'd rather be running that race over there" but I have to trust that God has me running the race He wants me to run, exactly where  He wants me to. For my good and His glory!  I am sure your race looks different than mine. The leg of your race is most likely much more difficult right now.  Be encouraged that the finish line is there even though you can't see it!  God equips us for the journey He has us on. He will be sure to see us to the finish! 

-Pressing On

 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV)

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6 NIV)


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