Growing up we lived in a development on the top of a hill. The road on the way up had a large dip that we enjoyed as little kids. Seat belts were not required "way back then" so if my dad hit it just right, my sister and I would come up out of our seats, squealing as we got air and then come down just before the tops of our heads hit the plush lining of the roof top. On those late nights home from Grandmas or my Aunt and Uncles house on Christmas Eve, if I dosed off, I'd wake to coming out of my seat and know that we were close to home. The big dip was exciting and fun.
The County Fair was an annual family event we loved to go to. I have great memories of those times. Especially, this one in particular, my dad bought both my sister and I chameleons , little cute lizards that change colors and patterns to conform into the image of the environment around them. I understand it as a way of blending in. We received with purchase of our lizards, a baby leash and safety pin to attach to our t-shirts. How my dad ever talked my mom into getting those for us, I'll never know. But we thought we were the coolest with our transforming lizards pinned to our tops.
On the way home, just as we were turning onto the big dip street toward our house, my dad instructed us to " hold on to your lizards", we laughed because we knew that meant we got to take our lizards for a ride and also, our safety pinned leashes were about to be put to the test. I'm pretty sure my mom would not appreciate those lizards coming unattached, flying into the air and either landing on her lap or running under one of the seats of the car. So, as the protectors of our new pets we held a hand over our chameleons as we launched up out of our seats giggling with delight and excitement to be taking these little creatures home with us. From that day, we grew up with the expression of " hold on to your lizards" anytime we were about to hit a dip in the road, a bump on the water in the boat or when life was about to get a little crazy. And we still use it today.
I love roller coasters and big dips in the road that make you come up out of your seat a little. For me it's thrilling and exciting. I don't particularly like it on a plane in turbulence, which I am currently feeling a little of at the moment, and I will typical avoid bumps in the road of life that make me uncomfortable. Sometimes I fall into protection mode and become like that chameleon and want to blend into the environment around me. Feels safer that way but I know that is not the life God wants for me. To just blend in. I believe He wants me to live in a way that gets a little uncomfortable maybe sometimes even thrills and excites bringing me up out of my seat, in a way that points others to Him.
I tried joining a small group a few weeks ago. It was different and though that wasn't a bad thing. It just wasn't what I had hoped for or expected. I really wanted it to work so I went back the following week, as I listened, I thought this is just a comfortable way to check a box, there wasn't much depth. I'm not one to quit if something isn't exciting enough but this was a group that I could, if I wasn't careful, fall into the chameleon mode and conform to the environment. Which, for me wasn't a healthy one. I want to grow, to be with others that lift me up, pour truth into me, and not pull me down. I also want to be there to encourage others, speak truth into them and build them up. It was a good experience and I'm glad I tried it. It gave me more clarity on the essentials of what's important and what I don't want to waste time on.
So here I am asking "now what" again? Where do I go from here to connect with others. Once again, God showed me yesterday on one of my runs with some incredible alone time. I know I've said before , typically, I determine ahead of time my route. That's a way of safety and protection for me. Especially since I don't know anyone around here, should I turn up missing; Jim would be the only one to know ( hopefully he'd miss me) So, he knows the route I run and usually how far I go. I felt pulled to go a different route and I wanted to go just a little farther than usual. But, I struggled with going out of my comfort zone. I think there is great wisdom in being cautious to your surroundings, and repetition is good. But sometimes, I believe God calls us out of our comfort zone and repetition to increase our faith. So, I listened to the prompting to go a completely different route than I normally would. Oh, I argued for about a quarter of a mile. " But God, Jim doesn't know where I am. But God, what if the cars don't see me? But God, what if a fisher cat gets me"? ( google fisher cat if you haven't see or heard of one) And of course, God in His gentle loving way reminded me of who it is I am to trust. He is my protector. And I am to follow Him. Yes, it's wise to let others know my where about's but, is my hope in my comfort and safety or in the life He has for me. If He is asking me to go this route He will see to it that I get there safely.
So when I finally did come to the Y in the road where I would normally stay right to head home, I prayed and headed left. It was simply a visual lesson from God to show me that this journey with Him is not about being a chameleon and blending in. He has a plan for me and I can trust Him. Life isn't about my comfort but I do believe He will provide a wild ride with many big dips that promise to delight. I think He is leading me on a pretty exciting ride and something tells me I better hold on to my lizard.
- Pressing On
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