We have this beautiful vine crawling up one of the trees in front of our house. I love the contrast of the green color against the brownish gray bark. Maybe it's because I am still in awe of all the greenery around here but I find it appealing to see that vine grow up out of a small sprout in the ground and latch on to the base of that tree. It looks to be healthy and thriving!
Because we are nestled into the woods, we have all kinds of trees, shrubs, plants and weeds growing like crazy. Jim met with a landscaper to talk about what needed to be trimmed back and pruned to clean things up a bit. One of the first things this guy pointed to was the beautiful vine. Jim said "oh, no, leave that, my wife really likes it" he came back with " that's fine, but you do realize it's poison ivy so be careful you don't brush up against it" he then showed Jim the difference and pointed out all of the poison ivy we have in our yard that is growing wild. I never knew poison ivy looked so pretty.
Two things I learned from this. The first being, things aren't always what they appear. Something can look beautiful on the outside, even appear to be healthy and thriving, yet on the inside be full of something that will bring harm to others. As I am out trying to make friends in my new area I know I need to be careful who I choose to surround myself with. I met a woman at the gym and we started sharing some common interests, working out, kids are grown and gone.... At first it looked like we had a lot in common. Then she began to turn the conversation and in a matter of a few minutes she had complained about and disrespected her husband, trashed on her adult kids and blamed everyone else for her unhappiness. That was the moment I saw things differently. I love and respect my husband, I have great kids, I can't imagine talking about them like that to anyone. Do I always show love and respect to my husband? No. Can I relate to blaming others for my sometimes unhappiness? Yes. It would be so easy to jump into the conversation of... " oh, I know what you mean.... Let me tell you everything in my life that hasn't gone my way" but, I know better. So, I had a choice. I could "drink the kool-aid" as they say and add fuel to the fire of negativity or keep my mouth shut. And thankfully, God gave me the wisdom to do the latter. I haven't walked in her shoes so I have no idea what she is going through. I tried to encourage her but I also know I don't want to spend too much time hanging around an attitude like that. That poison will spread fast. So before that vine even begins to take root and grow I need to yank it out. If I listen to that garbage it can take root in my heart which will lead to harmful words out of my mouth and behavior in my actions. That is not the godly life I want to live and I know it's not the life God has for me. He wants my life to produce good fruit not harmful poison that spreads to my family and friends.
Secondly, looking at this vine ( even though this one isn't producing good fruit) I can't help but notice how it clings to the trunk for support and growth. It makes me ask myself what am I clinging to for my personal and spiritual growth? Am I clinging to my circumstances, comfort and outward appearance? Those things will never bring me long term fulfillment. Or am I clinging to God who gives me everything I need in order to grow spiritually and personally? Jesus says that when I remain in Him, He will remain in me, apart from Him I can do nothing. He will produce good fruit in me when I cling to him. That is a promise I am clinging to.
" Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops. (Proverbs 26:20 NLT)
" Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. (John 15:4 NLT)
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