I was in my normal spin class the other day and was surprised when I walked in and saw a substitute teacher in our regular instructor’s spot. Who is this and where is Susan? I have become somewhat structured in my old age. I know what I am going to do on each day of the week. That includes my exercise routine. Wednesdays I spin with Susan. I know what kind of a workout I am going to get. It’s going to be tough. The music, while not always my personal choice; will be loud and motivating. I will walk out with noodle legs, entire body drenched with sweat and feel exhilarated for having accomplished a rigorous workout by 6:30 am.
Who is this stranger filling in? Is she qualified? Does she have a certification to lead us? What kind of music is she going to play? Has she been vetted? I was tempted to leave but I didn’t want to be rude. I had my reservations and with an eyebrow raised, I adjusted my bike. I started my fitness tracking watch and began pedaling with a less than willing attitude. She introduced herself but I wasn’t listening. I determined I wasn’t going to like this class nor would I get a good workout. My fitness tracking watch would be her grade card. Let’s see how many calories I burn with you Ms Not Susan.
She took us though a decent warm up. Music was fine. And then we hit the workout portion. Sprints and hills, recover, repeat. Ok, so I was sweating and it was fine. About forty minutes into the workout, just shortly before our time to cool down she gave us a choice, “Sprint or hill. You decide. Just give it your all. If you choose sprint, lower your resistance on your gear and go after it. If you choose hill, increase your resistance to where you feel like you are riding in sand.” Well, as a runner I chose sprint. It was comfortable for me. I’m used to sprinting and feel like I could sprint longer than I could climb. So I gave it my all. I felt good and was ready for the cool down when she surprised us with, “Ok, second round. Give it your all. Only this time, switch. If you sprinted last round, climb. If you did hills last time, this time you will sprint.” I could hear the groans over the loud music. I wasn’t the only one displeased. Then what she said next stopped me in my tracks. “If you always do the same thing- that thing that’s comfortable for you- you will never see change.” It made me smile a little. Because I knew she was right. Comfort doesn’t make for much growth.
We often choose what is comfortable don’t we? We don’t want to feel pain, discomfort or sometimes even break a sweat. So we just do what we’ve always done and are surprised that we and/or our circumstances haven’t changed. I have heard this quote or something like it several times.
“ If you always do what you’ve always done. You’ll always get what you’ve got.”
How true that is.
I do believe that structure and repetition is good. That will take and bring discipline. But if we really want change and transformation, we have to get out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves with something different. I read something this morning about growth. It came from Beth Moore, “It’s a wonder to me that God would choose to slowly grow what He could have simply created grown. Why on earth would He go to the trouble to plant a garden forced to sprout rather than commanding it into existence, full bloom? Why leave His desk and get His pant legs soiled? Because God likes watching things grow.” Then she says, “The Lord has chosen you and planted you, and He is preparing you for a great harvest. He’s getting you ready to thrive and flourish and bear much fruit. If we submit ourselves to His ways, mysterious and painful though they may be at times, we will find that it’s all part of the process that enables us to grow and bear fruit.”
Isn’t that good? If we are still here on earth it’s because God isn’t done with us yet. He wants us to grow into His likeness and bear fruit in His name. He delights in watching us grow. He knows what it will take for us to grow. More than we do.
I can tell you that in the most difficult times in my life that were uncomfortable or even painful, I had to change things up and get out of my comfort zone. That is when I saw the most growth in my spiritual journey. I often asked God “Can you just fix this? It hurts” But I can look back now with gratitude that He allowed me to go through that season that grew me.
I have a lot more growing to do and I pray that I can see those moments of opportunities to grow and bear fruit. The comfortable thing would be to look at a temporary discomfort and want to trade in for an equally temporary happiness. I’m choosing to grow. I hope you do too.
It’s worth it!
Pressing On
“My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be my disciples”
John 15:8
“Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing f your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4
Thank you for this sweet reminder Connie. I needed this today. ❤️