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Running with Trucks

Annie loves running with me. Each morning she waits for me to get ready for the day. She watches my every move to see if I go straight for my running gear. I might confuse her at times if I don’t jump in the shower but fail to put on my running clothes, “Are we going for a walk instead?” Oh but once those Brooks shoes come out of the closet she starts to pace. When I open my middle drawer for my running glasses, it’s game on and she is literally under my feet, weaving in and out, jumping up and down. I will not be going anywhere without her. She is very clear about that. Even if I need to use the bathroom one last time, she pushes her way through to join me. It’s adorable and makes me think that she actually might like me and enjoy my company. 

Yesterday was Tuesday which meant for us it’s a cardio day. We run on Tuesdays and Thursdays during most weeks. I love the cooler tempts right now and in Arizona, 47 degrees means we bundle up. I think Annie understands more than I realize. Long pants or shorts, visor or beanie. She is going with me with her one and only outfit. The cooler tempts don’t bother her one iota! 

I also believe she now knows the neighbor routes we take well enough to lead the way. Which she does more so than not. I half joke that she increases my pace. Meaning, like it or not; she makes me run faster than I would without her. Maybe it was the freedom from being cooped up with her cone or the cooler temperature effected her more than I realized, but there was a much bigger spring in her step this morning. 

I let her lead the way. As soon as we crossed the bridge to an adjacent neighbor the trash collector truck came from the opposite direction. She looked up at me as if asking if we could please go a different way. She absolutely, 100% hates that truck. She not only stopped but pulled me in another direction, heading back home. I gave in and we went back the way we came. She wanted none of that trash truck. I told her it was ok and tried to persuade her to keep going the way I chose for us. But, as soon as we rounded that corner, here came that truck again. We ran a different way, clear  of any service trucks but she was on edge the entire time. I kept reassuring her that “I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ve got you!” 

That was about when it hit me. It was almost as if God was saying “Connie, how is this any different from what you do to Me when I am trying to lead you?” Yikes! It’s true. I believe God holds the plans for my day, even maps out the route for me and I slam on the breaks over a little fear of a trash truck. I can plant my heels and refuse to budge or worse turn and head in the opposite direction. 

I will share a little secret with you. I struggle with fear. Not like stay in bed with the covers over my head on a daily basis. More like it sneaks up on me when I least expect it. Sort of like a trash truck coming out of nowhere. Jim is running late but doesn’t call or text.. screech, I slam on the breaks in panic mode.. my mind goes wild and before I know it I have his whole funeral planned. What is wrong with me?  Oh I have faith and I know in my head that I need not fear. But my heart doesn’t always catch on. I fear something might happen to my husband or we might be asked to move again. I fear something could happen to the kids. And then I fear that I’m fearing too much. According to Pastor Rick Warren, “We are told 365 times in the Bible to ‘Fear Not.’ That’s one for each day of the year.”  He goes on to say that “God didn’t intend for Christians to spend their days preoccupied with anxiety and worry.” That’s so good. And so true! But not always easy.

God is in control and He cares about us. More than we could ever imagine!  He isn’t out to strike us down when we blow it. Yes, bad things can happen in this fallen, temporary world. But God is for us not against us. And here’s the thing. My number one relationship is my relationship with Jesus. He needs to be front and center. I gave Him control over my life a long time ago. However, it’s a continuing, daily choice to release that control back to Him. Knowing who holds my future far outweighs what my future holds. So, I can trust Him to lead me even right up to and around that trash truck. I can sense His gentle whisper “ I’m right here and I always will be. I’ve got you!” 

-Pressing On

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”
Psalms 23:4 NKJV

“He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.”
Psalms 91:4 NKJV

“The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?”

Psalms 118:6 NLT


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