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Opportunity Knocks

We just hit the five year mark of when we felt God calling us out of Arizona and leading us on a new journey. First into the Midwest, then on to the East Coast and eventually to our current home in south Texas. To say its been a whirlwind would be an understatement.

Sometimes, I look back in my photo stream and think “ Wow, that seems so long ago.” While another picture revealing the same time frame feels like yesterday. How can this be? Regardless of how it feels, time sure isn’t standing still. I find myself struggling again with wanting to use the time I have here on earth to truly matter. Am I making a difference? How have I spent these past five years? 

One thing I have learned is that my physical address does not matter. God will use me wherever He plants me. Often times, I’m praying “God give me opportunities today to make an impact on someone’s life.” Then at the end of the day think “Well, He must not have had any for me.” Which is so not true. The problem is, while He gives me those opportunities; I’m not actively looking for them.

The bug man comes to my door while I’m on the phone so I politely dismiss him and tell him the gate is unlocked. The quirky lady sitting next to me on the plane, while very entertaining to watch; causes me to put on my headphones and veg out rather than strike up a conversation. The rude cashier rubs me wrong so I respond with an equal or greater dose of sarcasm. All of those were missed opportunities to shine a light in a dark world. And I missed it! I don’t want to miss it! Life is so short.

I took Annie for a walk this morning and looked around at all the beauty around me. The incredible greenery, the wildlife running around and driving her crazy. The gray clouds that brought shade from the scorching sun. The workers busy  mowing lawns and trimming shrubs. The smell of fresh cut grass which has its own kind of beauty. I love it! 

Then, I ran into a woman I had met when we first moved here. I only see her when I am out running or walking. I don’t know that she even knows my name. I think I am probably “Annie’s Mom” to her.  To be painfully honest, I will sometimes avoid her because she can be a bit of a Negative Nelly. But today I smiled when I saw that Eeyore expression look up at me. I had an opportunity. We had a brief conversation and even though she continued to complain and go on about all that is bad in her world. I kept shining that light of hope. Reminding her and myself of all that is good. I pray that something I said or maybe even just a smile and a few minutes of listening may have made a difference in her day. 

I am very aware that life is short. Only God knows the number of days we have here on earth and even in what City and State we will live. So, I want to grab every opportunity I can to make it matter. As I walked home I looked around at this beautiful area I get to live in. I am soaking it up because I won’t be here much longer. 

We are moving again. It’s pretty amazing that God would provide an opportunity for us to move back to Phoenix. I get to go home!!!! We will be near family again and be able to watch those little peanuts we call grandsons grow up. Lord willing, we will be at their little league games, we will have sleep overs and family dinner nights and holiday gatherings. We will be able to spend more time with my mom and dad who I have missed terribly. More time with family and friends. I am overwhelmed with joy!

And as excited as I am for all of the above, I will greatly miss Texas and the people here. While I want so much to matter in the lives of others and make an impact. They have mattered to me and impacted me greatly. I am truly blessed and will be forever grateful to God for this incredible journey with Him and the people He has put in my life along the way!

God definitely knows what He is doing. I love how He orchestrates the details of our journey. I think of all the people, places and opportunities I would have missed had I dug my heels in and never left Arizona. And now here He is blessing me with the opportunity to go back and make a difference in the lives of a couple of little peanuts. Oh, how I pray I use that time wisely and seek those opportunities.  

It’s there, the opportunities are knocking and they are ours for the taking. If only we will actively seek them out and take advantage of those moments to make a difference in a dark world that so needs to see the light and the hope that only comes from Him?   

Pressing On 

“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart”
Psalm 37:3-4

“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” 
Psalm 90:12

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” 
 Matthew 5:14-16

 Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

John 8:12


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