Someone asked me the other day why I get up so early in the morning. Is it a choice? “You set your alarm for 5:00am?” I think the implication was there really wasn’t a reason for it. I don’t have an outside job to get to. I don’t have kiddos at home that require getting fed and sent off to school. So, why the urgency to get on with the day?
I explained my reasoning and how it had become a habit which has now developed into a lifestyle. It hadn’t always been this way. In fact, I remember sleeping in until my husband kissed me good bye in the morning on his way to work. I had even bought him a little pop up light for his sock drawer so he wouldn’t wake me with the over head light while trying to match up his socks. He still had a few failures that he would notice midday with unmatched socks.
I learned to enjoy mornings several years ago when I did have to get to work early. I love watching the sunrise and the world wake up. There is just something about the hope in a brand new day. I especially loved serving people coffee in the wee hours at Starbucks when I worked there.
But really what began as a habit of early to bed early to rise began when my relationship with Jesus started. I wanted to truly get to know Him. We also had a lovable yellow lab at the time and she would wake me to eat. One day I found myself not wanted to go back to bed but drawn into our office and on my bookshelf sat my Bible that had barely been cracked. I picked it up for the first time and randomly opened it. God showed Himself to me that day but also revealed where my heart was. I asked Him to change me that morning and I committed to spending my first waking hour with Him daily from there on out.
So, began my journey of coffee with Jesus. I remember when my alarm would go off. I was excited and couldn’t wait to hear what He had to say and to show me. I prayed that He would help me to apply it to my life and He did. I marked all over in my bible and found myself going back to it throughout the day. I can say with confidence that this one spiritual discipline has impacted my life more than anything else.
Although the newness over the years has worn off. I am still committed to setting my alarm to have coffee with Jesus. Interruptions happen, whether that be, my husband gets up and joins me, the coffee pot malfunctions or Annie pukes on the carpet. life happens and things will come up because Satan doesn’t want me spending time in my bible and praying. There are days, when I feel like I am simply going through the motions and don’t “feel” the presence of God. But that doesn’t mean He isn’t there.
When I get alone with Him first thing, it sets my heart and attitude in the right place for the day. It helps to take the focus off of myself and my agenda and puts it on God and what He would have for me today. Beginning with serving my husband with a grateful heart and helping him to get off to a great start of his day. Oh, it may shift by noon or even 9:00 am but I love how this discipline has become not just a habit but a lifestyle. I look forward to the early mornings with Jesus and my coffee.
For me, it is like anything else in life. Anything worth achieving takes discipline. If I want to have a finished product in my writing I have to schedule time, open up my laptop and write. I can’t wait until I feel like it. If I want those clothes in my closet to fit I need to commit to cleaning up my eating habits and get to my exercise group. And if I truly want to see a heart transformation I need to spend time with the only One who is able to make that happen.
Pressing On
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path psalm 119:105
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Mark 1:35
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