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Tell Your Story

I was reminded last night of the importance of story telling. Not just any story but our stories. The difficult ones that we thought just might break us. The challenging ones that grew us and of course the God stories that changed us. God is woven into all of our stories whether we realize it or not because He is the author of our story.

The movie I watched last night was a heart breaking true story told by a little boy’s mom. Their two year old son was dying of leukemia and because she didn't want to answer a billion text messages she started a blog for all to read. That blog got into the hands of a total stranger who had been living for herself and her career while missing every opportunity with her family. 

Through the heart breaking story of a mom losing her only child, another mom realizes that her family was beginning to slip away from her. She had walked away from God, was putting her business and career above everyone else, had become disconnected from her husband  and  was missing out on her kids growing up. It was through the eyes of this very transparent mom who was learning to live each and every day to the fullest, that this other mom saw how she had taken her life and her family for granted. The coolest part near the end was when this mom thanked the other for sharing her story, “Thank you, you saved my family”. Those words gave the young mom hope and encouragement that her pain served a great purpose. It didn't take the pain away but I would imagine it encouraged her to keep taking one more step in faith. And to keep sharing her story.

I love listening to people’s stories. They inspire me and encourage me. Some give me hope when I am going through a tough season and God inevitable brings someone to lift me up with their story and how He saw them through it. While others inspire me and motivate me to be a better person in a world that so needs more love.  I love sharing my story and how God completely rocks my world with His undying love. He is still writing in the white spaces of my life. Which is pretty cool too because I can see in the past how He worked so I can trust Him with the present and the future. 

Often times we want to rewrite our story because it is either painful, embarrassing or in our minds doesn't have a purpose. But those are the stories that God will use to pour into the life of another. Some of our greatest storms in life tell the story of an all powerful God who still calms the sea. I believe we all want to live with great purpose, we all want to matter and we want our stories to matter. We all matter to God and our stories do too! The good, bad and the ugly. God is in all of them and He wants to use your story and mine to point others to Him and encourage each other. 

I love this old song and have heard it by a few different artists. I highjacked this photo off Instagram. While the originally is beautiful, I’ve heard a remake ( I know, how ironic) with some other lyrics that went with it “to tell you my story is to tell of Him.” I love that. If you want to have a listen, it’s called My Story by Big Daddy Weave.

Today, I sat and listened to some women share bits and pieces of their stories and to no surprise someone else would say, “thank you for sharing that, you really encouraged me.” I smile how God weaves all of our lives together. He knows who and what we need to both lift us  up and to pour into. 

I was encouraged this past weekend to continue to share my stories and my heart with y’all. I do enjoy doing that and my hope is to truly encourage and to give you hope but more importantly to tell of Him.

He is good, He is faithful, He is near and He is writing your story and mine continually. He can and will see you through any storm you are going through. And then He will use it to tell of Him.

Pressing On 

“ For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does” 
Psalm 33:4

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him”
Psalm 34:8


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