I wish had the faith of Abraham. I read about this incredible godly man and think, "Oh to have that faith that obeys on command." I don't. I delay and I ask questions of God first. " Are you sure God?" "Maybe I misunderstood what you are asking me to do" then come all of the other questions I think I need answers to such as "Why?" "What if this happens or that happens? This just doesn't make sense." God doesn't always give us the reason or details of what He is asking of us. Most of the time it doesn't make sense. But make no mistake, if you are a follower of Jesus, you are part of His great purpose. His purpose is to know Him and follow His lead because He has a plan. Obedience isn't doing for God to get something in return. It's choosing to follow Him because of what He has already done and the promise of what is yet to come. That is faith in action. That is what Abraham and so many others in the Bib...