Do you have a hard time asking for help like I do? Are you one of those that doesn't want to be a burden or admit you can't do it all?
I know I can't do it all but pridefully I don't always want to admit it. Or I often find myself not asking for help because I don't want to be a bother. If someone asks, what can I do to help? I'm quick to say, "nothing, I've got it." I'm coming to realize that I never really "have it" and it's prideful in thinking I do. None of us do and we all need help.
I'm also finding out that people really do want to help when given an opportunity. I know I do.
A couple of weeks ago I set out to shop for an outfit. I had something in mind that I wanted. So I walked into a department store and began my search for that "perfect outfit". The place wasn't very busy and a sweet young sales girl came up and asked "do you need some help finding something?" I looked up at her, tilted my head and said "Well...." and before I could say "No, I've got it" she clapped her hands together as in prayer and said " PLEEEESE, let me help you?" I chuckled and thought, I'm such a fish out of water here. I'm sure it looked a bit like the scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts walked into an upscale boutique wearing a ratty t-shirt. I smiled and said " Do you want to help me?" She instantly said " Yes, thank you. I love helping people. What are you looking for?" I gave her a quick description of my style and the event I needed it for. She took one look at me and knew my size and went to town grabbing things off the rack. I actually felt relieved and thought ok, I'm in good hands here.
We began talking and I asked her a few questions. Turns out she too moved to Texas from Massachusetts. She asked me what my story was. I smiled and shared a bit of my life story with her and told her how Jesus has changed my life. Then I asked, what about you? And she shared her story with me. I forgot I was looking for the perfect pair of jeans and was totally captivated by her story. It was fascinating and encouraging. She is a young married girl who loves Jesus and followed her husband to Texas leaving family and friends behind in her home state. I loved her heart and she was such a breath of fresh air. I'm not sure if she thought it creepy that I gave her my phone number when I made my purchase but she did ask me for coffee the next time I come in.
It was probably the longest shopping experience I've had in awhile that didn't include a prom or wedding dress. I was so thankful I accepted help that day, she helped me in more ways than one. It never ceases to amaze me how God uses these little ordinary things to strip me of myself and show me more of Him. I need to let down my pride and accept help more often. I don't "have it" . When I think I do I miss out on something pretty cool, like meeting amazing people. She loved helping me. Sure she was being paid for it. But how many people take the time to listen and share their story? She has an amazing story to tell.
It's ok to ask for help, in fact there are plenty of people out there who want to help. It's what we were created to do.... to love one another. More importantly God will help us. He promises the Holy Spirit will help us and be with us though it all. So in those times when I am overwhelmed with any task at hand He will help me through it. Sometimes it's people He sends my way that will get in my face and say "Pleeeese, let me help you!"
~Pressing On
“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”
Proverbs 11:25
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9
“A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.”
1 Corinthians 12:7
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