It has gotten pretty warm here in the last couple of months. The humidity does not help. In fact, it makes it that much more unbearable. That doesn't stop us from our weekend runs though. We have learned to just get out there as early as we can to beat the heat.
Annie doesn't realize the impact of the heat until we get home and she tries to cool down. We have a great little park about two miles from the house that has a splash pad. When you step on the center button, several fountains pop up and water splashes around us. When we first took Annie to help her cool down, she wanted none of it. I was shocked, with her being a Labrador; I thought she would love it. So, I gently would nudge her into the water so it would at least hit her side. Then we walk over to the drinking fountain and she is able to drink from the short one, which she does not protest. I usually run it a bit before I drink after her.
The last few times we have gone, she senses when we will get to those splash pads. Finally, she ran right in and stood over one of the spraying faucets so that it hit her belly. She bit at another one to take in some water and by the looks of it she was not only enjoying herself but being refreshed from the long hot run. I think she finally figured out how beneficial that water break is for her. Then she was able to finish the rest of our journey well.
It made me think of how stubborn I can be sometimes. I remember when I was running marathons. I was so focused on my time and how fast I could cross that finish line that I would blow past those water stations thinking I didn't have time. Pridefully, telling myself I didn't need it. Then, no surprise I would end up dehydrated and sick. It’s sort of like running out of gas in your car or the battery on your phone dying. You have to refuel and you have to recharge to go the distance.
Recently, I read a quote from Whitney Capps, “If I am to finish well, I need to run well today.” I can't run well today if I don’t properly fuel up, which includes taking those little splash pad and water station breaks to recharge and be refreshed.
Every morning I get up early to be refreshed and recharged by spending time with God in prayer and His Word. That is my “fuel” to start my day. But truthfully, some days I say a quick prayer, speed read some scripture and go about my day because I have a list of things I want to get done or I just want to run ahead with my day. Focusing on my time and that finish line rather than running well in the journey I am on with God.
Pretty soon, I’m dragging and not running all too well. I get emotionally beat up, physically drained and spiritually down because I am still trying to do it all on my own strength. God is called the fountain of life and the spring of living water. Jesus tells us that He is the living water, that we can come to Him for that refreshment we need at anytime. He even promises that when we do, we will never thirst again. Meaning, He will fill us up with Himself and get us through whatever it is He has called us to do. Not only that, He will be with us for all eternity! Isn't that awesome! He is talking about our spiritual thirst.
This water, this fountain of life; a life living and walking with our creator is ours for the taking. He will satisfy our spiritual thirst, the thirst our souls crave. But, we have to come to the water well and drink if we want to run well today. We have to run to the splash pad, let it pour over us, fill us up and refresh our souls.
~ Pressing On
“ As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” Psalm 42:1-2
“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14
“He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Revelation 21:6
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