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The Fighter

I am a big fan of Keith Urban. I saw him perform at a private party last year and just love him. I also love Carrie Underwood. So..... When I heard Keith and Carrie had a new song together on his latest album, I couldn't wait to hear it.

I knew I would love it before I even downloaded it. I usually do a little pre-listen before I commit to a purchase but hey, this is Keith and Carrie. So, I put it on my play list, headed out for my morning run and fast forwarded to the song titled, The Fighter. It had a catchy beat and the lyrics sucked me in..... 

It's one of those story telling songs that they sing to each other. And if you're like me, you are a sucker for a good love story.... He knows the last guy hurt her and he is thankful that she belongs to him now..... He promises to never let her fall, won't make her cry and if she gets scared he will just hold her tighter. He will be the fighter. Ahhhh! How sweet! And every little girls dream of Prince Charming to the rescue. 

Maybe you are also like me in the way that you will listen to a song like and feel a little let down or disappointed. Because even though you might have a great guy, he  a) doesn't sing to you like that and b) has let you fall, has made you cry on more than one occasion (as unintentional as it may have been) and he is the one that will often jump out from behind the parked car in the garage just to scare you. And now that little girl in you comes out fantasizing about Prince Charming and you start to think he really must exist because Keith is so convincing singing it to Carrie. Maybe he sings it in real life to his wife, Nicole? 

I've been married to my Prince Charming for nearly 32 years. He has never sang to me, he has let me fall but will show concern (until he knows I haven't broken anything) when I do and will encourage me to get back up. He has made me cry (unintentionally of course). And yes, he has been known, on occasion to scare me while getting a big kick out of himself, all in good fun. I wouldn't want it any other way. I know he loves me because he shows me in so many other ways. And I am incredibly thankful God gave him to me.

However, Prince Charming only exist in Disney movies, romance novels and country music lyrics. Of course he gets the Princess who always looks perfect, is sugar sweet and can make all the animals sew the perfect wedding dress. That's right, she only exist in Disney movies, romance novels and sappy lyrics too. A match made in heaven. 

Don't get me wrong. I do love a good love story and I absolutely love all those Disney movies. I even believe I am living a good love story- even though it has had its ups, downs, sideways, roller coaster rides through the years. We are two imperfect people. I am most certainly not a sugar sweet princess who can meet all of his needs. Prince Charming cannot make me happy in every way.  It's just not possible. And there is danger in my expecting him to. He can fight for me and for us but he can't be The Fighter at all times. Only Jesus can. 

If Prince Charming met all my needs I wouldn't need Jesus and I know I need Jesus more than anyone to get me through each and every day. Jesus is my ultimate fighter. Although, He too may let me fall, He will catch me, dust me off and get me back on track. He will be there when I cry, wipe away my tears and comfort me. He will hold me tighter when I am scared because let's face it- this is a scary world we live in. 

Not only will He fight for me. He will win the battle and has already won the war! He is my Prince of Peace and my hope is in Him. For that I am forever grateful and will live happily ever after! 

-Pressing On

“I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me.”
Psalm 118:13 NIV

““I, even I, am he who comforts you. Who are you that you fear mere mortals, human beings who are but grass,”
Isaiah 51:12 NIV

“Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.””
Deuteronomy 3:22 NIV


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