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Might Be A Big Deal After All

I've gotten to where I think I can trust Annie in the backyard by herself. She knows the boundaries and for the most part, she respects them. The fall has left the woods pretty barren. I can see the houses behind us again and the deer that occasionally come by, are more exposed. We saw a family a seven the other day. The momma and her babies are so cute! Annie isn't sure what to do with them other than bark her head off. She barks so fierce that her hind legs get air. Sometimes her hair down her spine stands straight up. That's when I know she means business on protecting her backyard. It's very nice of her to share it with us. 

Several weeks ago I had let her out in the afternoon while I was in the kitchen. It was still warm enough to have the sliding door open so I could hear her letting everyone know that she was on neighborhood watch. Oh, our poor neighbors. I'm sure it won't be long before I get a written complaint for noise pollution coming from our backyard.

Anywho, I heard her barking in a relentless tone and when she wasn't stopping I went to see what all the huff was about. What I first thought was a cute little deer right outside of our yard startled me. It was much shorter than a deer but larger than a coyote. Ironically, I was heading in for my annual eye exam in about two hours so my contacts were a little fuzzy. What was that yellow animal that was just staring at Annie? I half panicked when my imagination told me it was a mountain lion. It was yellow in color and had the shape and size of a large cat of some sort. I'm told they "aren't typically in these parts".  Although, have been spotted in areas north of us. I got Annie safely indoors but by the time I located the binoculars it was long gone. I keep thinking about that thing. What was it? Would it harm us? Was it really a big deal? Knowing me, my blurred vision and wild imagination, it was most likely, a neighborhood yellow lab that came to school Annie on barking etiquette.

It sure looked like a mountain lion. The bushy tail and slick back with that large softball shaped head. I stood on guard the rest of the day. I was alert whenever I let Annie out to do her business. It gets dark early now so at 4:30 I was right there with my flashlight and ready to flee back into the safety of my house if I saw it again. I have not seen anything since then but I still approach the area with caution and am looking around, not in a paranoid way but with caution. If it was a fluke or my imagination, great! Call me crazy- I'll take it. But, I want to be smart and aware that there is danger out there. I don't need to live in fear but in awareness of the fact that what I might cast off as "no big deal" or " it's just my imagination" could bring great harm to me and my family. So I'm treating this as a big deal.

This made me think of the temptations that can creep into my life and in my heart. Things I might think aren't that big of a deal. Or it's not really what it looks like. Satan is very clever in disguising sin to tempt me. Just like he did with Eve in the garden of Eden with the apple "it's not a big deal, surely you won't die". He can make me look at the temptation and entice me to take a bite. Mostly, that comes in the form of chocolate but also with things that can cause serious harm.

Not long ago I received a friend request on Facebook. Oh, look a deer. I just love friend requests, don't you? But when I clicked on that little icon it was an old boyfriend, hum, that doesn't look like a deer after all. At first I thought, no big deal right? I mean sheesh I haven't see or heard from him since high school. (The math here is in need of a calculator so let's just say, that's been a very long time.) Absolutely no interest on my part. Do I accept the friend request to avoid hurt feelings- thinking this is really nothing more that a sweet deer in my backyard? But then I thought about the roaming lion who is looking for someone to devour. Other verses came to mind about guarding my heart and fleeing when temptation comes. Because really, what good can come from this? Would I want my husband befriending an old girlfriend? I want to always be protecting my marriage. Even if that hurts someone else's feelings.

There are many other forms of temptation Satan will throw at me, especially when I am tired and can't quiet see clearly. The temptation to snap at my husband because he said something hurtful, demand he do this or that or stop doing this or that. The enemy won't stop tempting me. But I am choosing to make my marriage my first priority. I believe Satan knows that so he will do whatever he can to cause conflict and divisiveness in our home. He is like that mountain lion roaming around. I need to be alert ( flashlight in hand) and see that danger and take refuge. I don't need to live in fear but be aware and see it for what it is, that it actually could be a big deal after all and cause some serious harm. 

- Pressing On 

“The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.””
Job 1:7 NIV

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
1 Peter 5:8 NIV 

“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”
Proverbs 22:3 NIV


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