We were watching a reality show the other day. The idea is for people who are looking for an investment in their product or company come into a room with millionaires who are looking to invest. It's fun and sometimes I really like the product or service the person is trying to sell. However, this one girl came on and she had invented a Skinny Mirror. Think funhouse type of mirror. Her thought was, it would improve a woman's self esteem if she saw herself thinner than she actually was. Sold! Actually, I'm kidding- or am I?
As good as that sounds and much to my delight, the investors shot her down. They questioned the integrity behind it for a few reason but one huge one, was that she sells these mirrors to retail establishments. Their hope is that women will buy more of their clothes if they like the way they look in them. Have you ever tried something on at a store and you love the way you look in their mirror? So, you buy the jeans, swim suit or dress then come home and your mirror doesn't look the same? I have. I also have a wardrobe mirror that is tilted in a way that makes me look taller and thinner than I actually am. So I get this girl's idea of wanting women to "feel good" about the way they look. You've heard that expression "the mirror doesn't lie"? Well, this one does. The truth is, if the mirror is deceiving, it's a lie.
Things aren't always what they appear to be. And I think, if I'm not careful, I can put up an altered mirror that makes me look good. I don't always want people to see the not-so-tall or not-as-thin Connie. I want to hide all my flaws and scars. I wish I could take my altered mirror around with me so that I look good in the eyes of others. That's not an honest life. Because the truth is, I'm me with all my stuff, my flaws and scars. I would even say that those flaws and scars, in part, have made me who I am today. We all have flaws. We all have scars. I'm no different than anyone else.
I also happen to have a mirror in my bathroom that magnifies images up to 5 times larger. I can see every pore and scar on my face from across the room. It's handy when I need to put in my contacts. I can tell when I need to pluck my chin hairs or clip the forest growing out of my nose. That's certainly not pretty or is it something I want everyone to see. So, there you go. I have flaws, scars and facial hair! That is truth and I'm dealing with it. I would rather live that honest life than a pretentious one.
I guess what I saw (no pun intended) is this, I can get so focused on superficial stuff that just isn't important. Deceiving myself to look a certain way will only make me feel better temporarily, it's not truthful living. When I do that, I miss the point of my journey and lose sight of what's really important to God. My purpose on this journey isn't to be self absorbed in my own reflection but to reflect Him. To love God and love His people. Period. I want to live a life based on that truth. God and His Word keeps me grounded in truth.
I'm thankful that He cares about my heart rather than how I look in those jeans or if all my chins hairs have been plucked this morning. ( Side note, the tweezers aren't cutting it anymore. I've resorted to wax and that's a whole other story in itself. So if you hear loud screams, it's probably me in front of my magnifying mirror. ) God loves me (and you) flaws, scars, facial hair and all. He cares more about how I live rather than how I look on the outside. Isn't that freeing?
- Pressing On
“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.””
1 Samuel 16:7 NIV
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Proverbs 31:30 NIV
"The world has certain teachings which are deceiving, the way you resist is to have the truth."
John 6:47
What a great post, Connie! So much of it made me smile because I can totally relate . I have one of those magnifying mirrors. It is wonderful and terrifying at the same time! :) I'm very thankful God loves us no matter our flaws, inside and out, and I appreciate the reminder.