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Blessings in the Big Apple

My husband and I celebrated our 31st anniversary last month with a trip to New York. It was something on our bucket list and since it's just a short distance from us now, we took advantage to travel by train. It was a great ride along the coast and a very relaxing way to travel. 

 We had a long list of things we wanted to see and do in the three days we would be there. We arrived the afternoon of our actual anniversary, caught a cab to our hotel, checked in and headed out to do some sight seeing around the area before dinner. As the night went on, Jim's foot began to flare up on him. He had something like this happen before so I knew it was not a good situation for a vacation that would consist of miles of walking. Not to mention the running we had hoped to get in while being there. He felt terrible, both physically, because of the pain in his foot and mentally in that he was disappointed of what it would do to our trip. 

The next morning, being fully rested I was ready to get out and run. Our hotel was across from the Statue of Liberty along the Hudson River and it was beautiful. One look on Jim's face and I knew there was no way he would be walking much less running. He encouraged me to go for a run without him and that he would read the paper and see about getting some pain cream for his foot. 

I felt bad for him and was disappointed that we wouldn't be able to do what I had planned for us that morning, which was to run through Central  Park. Something I have always wanted to do. That was my plan. Seems silly I know but for once I had actually planned out an itinerary of events for us to do, I had my agenda planned and put on my calendar in my phone. And Wednesday morning was: take a cab to Central Park and run. That was the only day we would be able to do it. However, I opted to switch gears and resist the temptation to feel disappointed even though I was, I didn't want Jim to feel worse. 

So, I headed out of the hotel across the street and was hit in the face with the sunrise. It was warm but refreshing. The cool, crisp morning air smelled of a combination of the river, wet grass and city exhaust ( if there's such a thing). It was early so not too many people were up, a few dog walkers, other runners and a hand full of commuters coming in from across the river by ferry. The sun hit the skyscrapers that cast a picture of New York's Skyline like I had seen in movies. It was incredible and I was instantly reminded of God's goodness. 

God is good all the time. He knows the path I should take because He sees the big picture and the finish line. He knows what it will take to get my eyes off of myself and onto Him. He knows the things that bring me joy and the things that pain my heart. And often it is those pains of my heart that draw me closer to Him. Whether they are the tiniest, selfish moments of not getting my way or a deeper hurt caused by someone or something out of my control. He knows me.

 I think He orchestrates the events in my day to get me alone with Him. My desire is to spend quality time with Him but I have to admit I don't always make the time to do it. I will rush through my morning prayers with a list of things I'd like Him to do for me.... " Bless my day, heal my husband's foot so we can enjoy our vacation"....and other superficial stuff. Although, I know He cares about all those details in my life. I also know that His number one desire for me is to draw near to Him and enjoy His presence. I do that best when I get out of myself and my agenda and choose to seek Him and the direction He is taking me. Sometimes it takes getting me out on a solo run on a different course than I would pick to see once again, that He is there, He is good and His plan is perfect. I was encouraged, challenged and refreshed by my time alone with God on that early morning run in the Big Apple. It will be one of those memories I will cherish. I'm thankful He cares enough about me to change my agenda to His. 

When I got back to the hotel. Jim was dressed, had lathered his foot in asper cream and was ready to go. We were able to take a cab to Central Park and enjoy a nice walk throughout. I was so thankful that once again, God slowed me down long enough to enjoy the journey. Had I gotten my way and run through it, I could have missed the absolute beauty of this place. 

-Pressing On 

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9 NIV

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him,”
Nahum 1:7 NIV


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