Getting from point A to B during rush hour traffic is no easy task around here. The streets are narrow and the cars are many. I don't want to label all New Englanders as aggressive drivers but let me just say that they are not shy when it comes to road rage. They freely blare their horn and cast dirty looks and throw up their middle finger as if it's a second language. I have been out of California long enough to have forgotten this "way of life" on the road of commuters. I try to avoid traveling during these peak hours as much as possible but there are more times lately that I have had to head out to the dark side. My hubby had an early morning flight the other day. I needed to get him to the airport which is in the city. Four a.m. on a Monday didn't seem too bad. We would beat most of the traffic. So we thought. Smooth sailing, until we got to the tunnel that leads both into the heart of the city as well as the airport exit. We watched as the clock moved much ...