I've been wanting to write for a while about my JudyQT. I just haven't known where to start and I know that once I do, I probably won't be able to stop crying. You can stop reading now. I'm doing this for myself because, this is how I grieve and this is how I heal. I like to write and I promised her I would continue to write. She was the one who always encouraged me to start and was also one of my biggest cheerleaders. That's because she loved me and I was her favorite.
She was, is my mother-in-law. Many people have horror stories about their mothers-in -law. I don't. Did we ever have disagreements? Yes, but we always worked through those, were quick to forgive and move on. I am very fortunate to have had an incredible relationship with her. I loved her dearly and miss her terribly!
Judy and I became close friends over the years. I've known her for over 32 years. We sort of grew up together. In fact she reminded of that during our visit to see her in the hospital. We were both young when I married her middle son. She treated me as one of her own and often referred me as her daughter-in-love.
We sat for hours talking over coffee whenever we would go visit, she was always interested in what was going on in our lives and the lives of our kids. There was always plenty of food and desserts when we arrived. " Are you hungry?" She would ask. And even as we were answering, " No, we ate" she was bringing out enough trays of food to feed an entire NFL team. " Are you cold?" ...." Dick, turn on the heat, it's cold in here." Or " Jimmy, are you allergic?" ....." Dick, Jimmy's allergic, get the air filter out". She cared very much about the comfort of others. She loved to give, in fact at the hospital she was still trying to give me stuff. And she would constantly tell me how much she loved all of us. Love, Love, Love- That was her motto and she was quoted often for saying it. Oh, and she gave great big hugs, very surprising for the little thing that she was. That's because she loved hard.
I wasn't ready for her to leave. I wanted more time with her. More coffee dates, more visits to our house and more hugs! She didn't get to meet Annie. She would have loved her. Annie would have loved JudyQT. And she won't see our sweet Jacqueline get married. It hurts and I miss her! I want to call her and tell her that I'm thinking of her and that I love her. I want to text a picture of the Christmas wreaths that someone in our neighbor still has up. Or tell her that Jim made it safely home from Chicago.
I am so grateful for this woman. She raised an incredible son who has many of her great qualities. They love God, are both caring, funny and family is very important to them. I'm thankful to be a part of this family who I have grown closer to through the loss of her. I'm thankful she knew Jesus and she is at home with Him. Although I wasn't ready for her to leave, He was ready to take her home, and she was ready to be with Him. I'm grateful she didn't fear death because she knew where she was going. I'm also thankful she was able to meet Brock, our soon to be son-in-law. I'm grateful I was able to sit at her bedside and share some of the sweetest moments of my life with her. That I got to stroke her face, hold her hand, smell her sweet smell, kiss her goodbye, tell her I love her and see that beautiful smile when I told her that I would see her in heaven. I'm very aware of what an absolute blessing that is! And I love love love that God gave me that time with her!
I miss you JudyQT, so much it hurts. But knowing that I will see you again in heaven makes me smile and it reminds me that you are very much alive! I love love love you Judy QT.
-Pressing On
But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, “The Lord is great!” (Psalm 40:16 NIV)
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)
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