Last week my new running partner/friend asked me if I wanted to run at 5:15 in the morning. I actually prefer to run early in the morning. Especially if I get to see the sunrise or if it's raining or if it's in Arizona to beat the heat. Here, on the East Coast in November, "early in the morning" is a different game. Our neighborhood is pitch black and it's cold. My reply via text was... " argghh, it's so cold and dark" Followed up with, a little reluctantly..." but I will if you want." I know her work schedule isn't easy. I remember the days I would put in a long shift and the pressure of having to go for a run when I got home hanging over my head was grueling. So, I was willing however, not very cheerfully. She replied with " yes, we'll bundle up and bring our flashlights"
" Ok, God, I really would prefer to sleep in a little and maybe have a nice solo run later once it warms up... ( because I would now be getting up at 3:30 so I could have my quiet time, coffee and get to her house by 5:15.) " Lord, Please give me a good attitude and use our time together for an opportunity to point her to you. I want our runs together to be purposeful. Give me boldness."
So, I grabbed whatever gear I had to create an exterior illumination on me so that any cars passing by would be sure to see me. I had a flashing arm band, a neon top with reflector trim and a flashlight that I keep beside my bed in case of a power outage at night. She too had a flashlight and her mace. Boy, was she prepared. Just a couple of chickens running with flashlights, in order to get our run in early to avoid having to do it later under better conditions.
We gabbed the whole way and I just love how God will ( sometimes) immediately answer prayer. As I had just been praying for boldness and opportunities He opened the door for great conversation with my new friend. We talked about God, His Word, His Son and the eternal life offered only through Him. The things that came out of my mouth weren't my words but His. That's what made it so cool. It's not me, although, I believe He gave me the boldness and opportunity I asked for just that morning. The words were His and the results of those words spoken to her heart will be His as well. But what an honor to be apart of it. To be used in a way that has eternal value. There is such purpose in that and my faith increased as I came home reflecting on the way God answered my prayer just an hour earlier. As well as being reminded of why I am here.
I can't help but think of the picture of running with flashlights. We live in a dark world that needs Light to the Way. Only Jesus can shine that light for all to see. As Christ followers, His light lives in us and He commands that we let our light shine before men. We do that by knowing Him through His Word and then living out.
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. (Psalms 119:105 NLT)
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16 NIV)
~Pressing On
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