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Forcing Myself Out The Door


I saw this picture and caption the other day and it motivated me. I like consistency in my life but I am not always disciplined to get off the couch and out the door. I want to be in good physical shape but it takes discipline to get to the gym and even more to follow a healthy diet and exercise program. I want to make new friends and get connected here but I need to force myself out the door in order for that to happen. I want Annie to be a well behaved dog but I need to be consistent when it comes to training and disciplining her. Although, she forces me out the door to walk her, ever since I heard someone tell me, " A tired puppy is a behaved puppy". 

I was doing pretty good with a regular routine at the gym but then life happened and a day missed here, a day missed there and before you know it, my arms are marshmallows again. Do I have the discipline I need to hit it again to build up the strength and endurance if I want to get strong? Remember the ole saying..... No pain no gain? Well, these days, I feel the pain just walking down the stairs in the morning . I love the sore muscles after a good workout, now it just hurts. But, I know I need to do it for longevity. I somehow need to be consistent in my trips to the gym and learn to say no to ice cream a few times a week. It will require some discipline on my part.  

Some days, I don't have much to fill my day. But I have tried to make it a habit to at least get out the door. That might be a run, typically, I will walk Annie at least a mile or just go for a short drive to get out of the house. The other day I found myself getting a little depressed again. It surprised me because I really thought I was over the hump of that. But I didn't really want to go anywhere. I didn't need anything and I don't want to go spend money just for sport. But, regardless I knew I needed to get out. I'm used to going and being and doing. 

I had received an email about a community bible study that met on Wednesday mornings. I felt God was telling me to go do this. I thought about this picture and the caption. And told myself to force myself out the door. This is another area of my life I want to be consistent in. So I went. It was, ok. Maybe I set my expectations too high in hopes it would be like Valley West in Phoenix or Willow in Chicago but it just wasn't it. It was, ok. However, I somehow knew that this was where God wanted me to be and that it is the beginning of something new.  I signed up and committed to attending throughout the year. I was glad I forced myself out the door. I was surprised again by the floodgates that opened up when I got home. Maybe it was because I realized a new chapter has begun and that made me more aware  that the previous one has closed. That makes it a bit more final I guess. I'm excited about the future, I'm looking forward to seeing all that God has in store but I still tend to look longingly at what once was. I know it will take time because it was all such a big part of my life. Yet each day truly does get easier.

As the day went on I had to force myself out the door mentally, I don't want to hang on to those feelings that can take me down. So I focused on things that are happening now, the good things and there are many good things happening! It was right about then that I received a text from my new friend/running partner. She is one of my neighbors who I met on one of my walks with Annie. We are close in age, so are our kids and she too, loves to run in the rain. I know God put her in my life for a reason and I'm thankful. Her text asked if I wanted to go for a run at 5:15. I was thrilled and so needed to get out of the house. I probably looked a little like Annie when the leash comes out. I ran around in circles and quickly put on my running clothes and met her out on her driveway where she was just  getting in and still in your scrubs ( she's a dentist). She said " oh you thought I meant tonight, I'm so sorry, I meant 5:15 a.m." Which totally made sense, since that would be the time we would normally run in the morning. I apologized for the mix up and was going to run solo since I was now out the door anyway but to my surprise she insisted to go with me. We played the " no it's ok, no seriously I want to go, are you sure?"  game for a few minutes. I caved, she went, much to my delight and we had  the best run on one of the most beautiful fall evenings. The sun was setting and the multi-color leaves were blowing, we had some deep conversations which I love and the miles few by. I didn't even realize how much I needed a friend at that moment. God knew and I am so thankful. 

It continues to blow me away with all that God provides. I've been praying that I want to
know Him more and He provided a new bible study for me that is doing a close look at who He is. I want to consistently grow  in my walk with Him and know Him more everyday.  That will require discipline on my part to force myself out the door. To spend more time with Him and learn from others who are walking that same path. 

I'm thankful for the highs and lows of my day, for the encouragement He gives me when I'm low and for the beginning of a new chapter that I am just certain will be worth the discipline it will take to walk consistently with Him. I pray you too, will force yourself out the door when you want to just sit on the couch.  

“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” (1 Timothy 4:8 NLT)

-Pressing On 


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