I dropped Jim off at the airport yesterday for a business trip. I remember a time when I looked forward to him taking off for a few days. It usually meant a break from cooking, or at least a low pressure meal like mac and cheese for the kids and a bowl of popcorn for me while watching a fun chick flick. I could talk the kids into watching a romantic comedy with me and we would have a slumber party. I would convince Jarrod that he was the man of the house in dad's absence so any and all bug killing would be up to him. He took his temporary role very seriously and would typically grab whatever he could use as a weapon to fight off the bad guys. We would play hair salon and Jacqueline would do my hair or nails, I wouldn't go out with that Pebbles Flintstone bun she gave me, but it was great fun and such sweet memories.
As this past year has gone by, I have become very comfortable with it being just the two of us. I appreciate my time with Jim. I can count on him not only to provide for our family but to do the simple things like; change light bulbs that need to be replaced, kill bugs and mice, crawl up into the attic to change the air filter, and build us a killer playlist for our runs to name a few. All while walking through the house whistling. His whistle always makes me smile, I love his company and I feel safe with him here.
I had not stayed in the house by myself yet. I wondered if I would be afraid in the empty house without him? It gets super dark here and the woods behind us are not only pitch black but seem to make noises. Not to mention, I strongly dislike being alone for along periods of time. Maybe it is my temperament and love of people or maybe I am fearful. Fearful of what? That the boogie man might get me, a mouse will get in and in my panic I will trip down the basement stairs and keel over, maybe the smoke alarm will go off and I'll have to get the ladder out? Where is the ladder anyway? In the dark scary garage!
As I played out all these stupid scenarios in my head I was reminded that I am not to fear or worry. Often times easier said than done. But I have found proof that replacing unhealthy fear or worrisome thoughts with Truth puts life back into perspective. So a few verses came to mind to give me strength and encouragement:
The LORD is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? (Psalms 27:1 NLT)
So we can say with confidence, “The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6 NLT) - I might add " what can mere mice do to me? "
Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety. (Proverbs 29:25 NLT)
Fearing people and/or my circumstances ( worrying about what might happen) puts all the focus on me and my temporary life here on earth, that's a trap that will paralyze me in fear. Nothing good will come from that! While, trusting The Lord puts the focus back on Him and reminds me that I have nothing to fear. The bible tells us to fear The Lord which means to honor, love and respect Him. That is a healthy fear. And that is a fear I am choosing to live with. My life in Him is secure, I am His and He is mine both now and forever. It's the two of us for eternity. Because of that I will fear Him not people ( or mice) . I don't need to fear the future because my future is complete in Him, I will live forever with Him! So, I don't need to fear death either. I know that may seem morbid to talk about death but I have peace that when it's my time, it's my time and that is solely up to The Lord when that happens. Even if it's a mouse that scares the day lights out of me and I keel over. Amazingly enough, this gave me great peace to embrace the solitude in our new house in the absence of Jim and his comforting whistle.
That and a bowl of popcorn ( and ice cream) while surfing through the channels on the TV looking for that one movie that only I will enjoy. I'm almost certain Annie sat at attention and watched with me. She kept looking at the door in confusion waiting for Jim to walk in whistling. I had to say " not tonight Annie. Tonight, it's just the two of us. Rest assure we have nothing to fear. "
-Pressing On
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