Today I did something I didn’t think I would. In fact, I said I wouldn’t. Didn’t think it was wise. I’m somewhat of a cautious person. Some might even call me paranoid or in my younger years- oh, who am I kidding?In all my years- a scaredy-cat. Maybe it goes back to my childhood nightmares when I was terrified of being kidnapped. Or not wanting to swim in the ocean EVER again after seeing Jaws. Maybe I’ve read too many stories or seen too many episodes of Criminal Minds. But I do lean to the side of caution more often than not.
This week, I tagged along with Jim on a business trip. That’s not the thing I did that I said I wouldn’t. He had bought me tickets for my birthday to see Chris Tomlin at the Red Rocks Amphitheater. Something we both have wanted to do for some time. I had heard about this place. We had seen Chris Tomlin before and love him. So, I was very excited about this trip and the experience of a lifetime.
The concert was AMAZING! It was an incredible night of worship in the Red Rocks and it was everything and more than I had imagined. God was definitely all over that place and It’s no coincidence that the threat of thunderstorms and rain were just that. Threats. It was a beautiful night. And I, one hundred percent; sensed the presence of God. I was reminded once again of His goodness. His faithfulness. His undying love for me. And His sacrifice for me. I didn’t want the night to end. It was just what my soul needed.
The next day I wanted to hike while Jim was working but ( and this is the thing I said I wouldn’t do so, Mom, cover your ears) I don’t typically like to go alone. I mean I ran in the soccer fields near my house with Annie once, I saw a couple of coyotes and have never ran faster in my life getting out of there. So, I wanted to be wise in this. I wasn’t sure of the area or the wildlife it inhabits. So there’s that. Are there bears in these parts? Can I outrun a bear? But as I set out for the drive I got more excited. The landscape of perfectly shaped Christmas trees, white rock cliffs, endless forest and absolutely stunning views took my breath away.
I found the parking lot and a couple of vans were unloading a summer camp of kiddos. “I’ll be fine”, I told myself. I had only seen this place online and knew of some different trails. I asked a young college student who was heading out as well and she pointed me to a couple of options. As she set out I was tempted to ask her if I could tag along with her. “You know, the buddy system”. But she put her earbuds in and was off before I could get my words out. The Summer Camp kids were hanging out and apparently taking their time to set out. So I put on my big girl pants and headed out on the open trail.

I took it all in. The smell, the wildflowers, the sounds of nature and yes, the music in my ears. I found a hill with a large rock and I climbed it like I was a youngster again. I sat on that rock and worshiped our Creator. I looked at that landscape again thinking, “ God you created this. The heavens and the earth. It’s beautiful”. Then I cried! Tears of gratitude for this day. There is something about nature that brings me closer to Him. I can’t explain it other than, He shows Himself to me. I am so grateful He gave me this day. A day I chose to get out of my comfort zone, face my fear, and put my trust in Him to step out onto the road less traveled.
I’m not saying I will be doing this often. I do think it’s wise to be cautious in unfamiliar territory. But this particular day and moment I sensed God saying “Come On. Let Me show you what I have for you today”. There are many times when I sense Him telling me to go a different way. And had I sensed that prompting from Him then, I would have. In fact, I probably would have ran back to my car and locked the doors.
But, I could have missed it. I’m glad I followed His lead to see and take in all that He had for me in that moment. He reminded me of who He is. His truth. That He cares for me. He loves me and has purpose for me. He will never leave me. I have nothing to fear! Want to know something else? He loves you that much too. <3
-Pressing On
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Genesis 1:1 NIV
“For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.”
Psalm 33:4 NIV
“in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?”
Psalm 56:11 NIV
“Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!”
Psalm 66:5 NIV
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