Thirty one years ago, I was a little over eight and a half months pregnant. It was our first big move as a married couple. Jim had been relocated from Southern California to Las Vegas. We had purchased a house and while we waited for the close of escrow, we stayed in a little furnished apartment that was a lot more like a hotel room just off the Vegas Strip.
I didn’t want to be there, away from family and friends and the little condo we had recently purchased. The nursery had just been completed and I was looking forward to all that I had dreamed of in that little home. But I chose to embrace the adventure and follow my husband to Nevada and make the most of it.
That was the beginning of our moving journey. Little did I know then what God would do and where He would take us in order to do it. We didn’t know God back then. But as I look back I can see His hand in every bit of it, revealing Himself to me. Protecting us, guiding us to places that we never would have gone. He has given me strength when I was weak. Pushed me when I wanted to stand still and quieted me when I wanted to run.
It has not always been a smooth ride. We have experienced many potholes along the way. Some painful ones that left us sitting at the side of the road asking, “Now what?” And yet, God was there doing what He does best. He did amazing things that only He could do! I stand in awe as I look back on these last 31 one years.
This week we seem to have come full circle as we move into our new home back in Arizona. I am forever grateful that God would bring us back to Phoenix to be near family again. And yes, “Just in time for Christmas”. My heart feels like it might explode. And yet because of all that we have been through, I can’t help but hold it all very loosely. I don’t want to live in fear of the unknown but I don’t want to live in such a way that I am not willing to be moved. God holds my future. I’m thankful that I know my ultimate future is in heaven with Jesus. But this life here on earth.... it’s so temporary and it goes so quickly. I want to live in such a way that honors Him because of who He is and what He has done in my life. I can so easily forget that, going on my merry way of packing boxes and complaining about not getting my way on stuff that doesn’t matter.
I was reminded this morning in my quiet time that sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we want. It may be that He is doing something in us in order to do something through us in His perfect timing. That brought me peace. I do still have what I would call unanswered prayers. Circumstances that I would love to see change. God is still on the throne and He is at work in me in order to do something through me at a later time that only He knows about. That makes me smile too. It’s not about this life on earth but all about Him and His good and perfect Will. I’m thankful to be on this incredible journey with Him!
Pressing On
“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”
Psalm 143:10 NIV
“The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.”
Psalm 145:17 NIV
“your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10 NIV
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