We have become pros at moving. Or so we like to think. Unpacking and getting everything in it’s place was a goal for the week. We wanted to be settled before the weekend family get together and definitely before Christmas. We have downsized with each move these past five years and especially this last one. Knowing we would have less room and storage in this new house, we sold, donated and tossed a lot before the Movers even loaded up the truck. But as each box was unpacked, I’d see one more thing that needed to be dealt with. Keep, sell, donate or toss? I had piles all over the house. I also had a drawer for stashing stuff I just wasn’t ready to “deal” with. I can’t label it a junk drawer but that is exactly what it is. Junk I need to deal with at a later time. My goal at hand was to get everything looking just right. I had this idea in my head of what that should look like. I mean the stager at the Houston house used all of my stuff to make things look so go...