It’s a snow day today in Houston. Yes, you read that correctly. Houston Texas has snow for the second time this season. I’m just as surprised as ya’ll. I mean, I love the snow and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would see snow falling in my backyard here in the South. But here we are. Do you think I should be concerned with these extreme weather conditions that seem to follow us?
We move to Chicago in 2013 and get one of the coldest winter storms in history. We move to Boston and receive a record of over 110” of snow that winter. Come to Houston and survive Harvey which we all know the incredible records that were set there. Well, maybe you don’t but you can google it. It was record setting! And now we have snow which has to be some sort of record for Houston. Annie is in heaven and I am having a hard time keeping her indoors. Crazy dog!
Today was suppose to be a great day with two of my friends flying in for our annual girls trip. I got up early with my husband to see him off. Got a jump on my cleaning, had everything prepared for our bible study tomorrow. I even got to Camp Gladiator for my workout so I wouldn’t feel guilty for the cupcake that was literally on our schedule. Because that’s what we girls do. We plan our time together around cupcakes. Who doesn’t?
We had been watching the forecast with the “chance of snow” but I figured it would be one of those “If the stars align at 7:38 P.M. and the northern light is covered by the moon at exactly 8:27 and if the temperature gets to exactly 29 degrees by 9:14 then we could get a slight flurry of possibly two snow flakes” “get your cameras ready folks, we may see snow in Houston for a second time this year.”
But to my surprise by the time I got to Camp it was showing less chance and more probable signs of snow coming our way. The downside- Houston isn’t prepared for snow or ice on the roads. Not a snow plow in sight. No salt or sand trucks driving by to melt the icy roads. Only cancelled schools, closures of government offices and basically everything else because it’s just not safe.
Flights were cancelled too, which included my dear friends who were on their way. We were all heart broken and we can only hope that the cupcake place was closed too. This will give us peace. Knowing that the chocolate and coconut are safely tucked away and awaiting our arrival at another time to be determined.
When I spoke to my friend I thought about the timing of this. My husband had flown out safely and was probably one of the last flights out. Had my friends had an earlier flight they might have made it. Here’s the thing: We think we are in control and if we could have, should have, would have, then things probably would have gone as planned and we’d all be sipping on our lattes and indulging in our favorite cupcake. But life happens and things are not ever in our control. The only thing we can control is how we respond to events and circumstances. I told my friend that as sad as I am that they couldn’t get in today, I am choosing to see this as God's hand of protection over us. The flight may have gotten in but who’s to say the roads would be safe to drive on. And not to throw all Texans in a box but they drive like bats out of H.E. double hockey sticks. I can’t imagine how they would handle ice. No thank you to being in front of them on I-45 southbound or otherwise.
I thought of this picture I took several weeks ago while I was holding my sweet grandson. He was sleeping and I just could not take my eyes off of him. I picked up his tiny hand in mine and sat in awe of the comparison. His was so little but he had a firm grip on my finger. Mine looked so ginormous next to his. I told him that I would do everything to protect him and love him. He has stolen my heart and I am wrapped around his little finger. Man am I in trouble with this little one. He was so content with his tiny hand in mine and I think he felt safe and secure.
It made me think of my hand in God’s. By comparison mine is tiny, His is ginormous and often times I knowingly grip on with a firm hold. Other times I’m doing my thing and planning my next cupcake but I know He is there. I am safe in the palm of His mighty hand and that gives me great peace and comfort. I think I might even be wrapped around His giant finger. He loves me more than I can even imagine. 
I also know that while I will do everything in my power to protect those that I love. I know I can’t always be there. But God can and He loves them even more than I do. He has them in the palm of His hand. And that gives me great peace and comfort as well.
Today was a bit of a disappointment that the timing of my plans were delayed. I have had far bigger disappointments in life, bigger heart aches and bigger losses. The only thing that got me through those times was my faith in the One that holds me in His hand. I know and trust that He is in control of all things big and small. He has a greater purpose that I may never see this side of heaven and sometimes that’s not a bad thing.
-Pressing On
“The Lord appeared to us in the past,[a] saying:“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3
“He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121:3-4
“God, your name is eternal, God, you’ll never be out-of-date. God stands up for his people, God holds the hands of his people.” Psalm 135:13-14
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