Someone asked me the other day why I get up so early in the morning. Is it a choice? “You set your alarm for 5:00am?” I think the implication was there really wasn’t a reason for it. I don’t have an outside job to get to. I don’t have kiddos at home that require getting fed and sent off to school. So, why the urgency to get on with the day? I explained my reasoning and how it had become a habit which has now developed into a lifestyle. It hadn’t always been this way. In fact, I remember sleeping in until my husband kissed me good bye in the morning on his way to work. I had even bought him a little pop up light for his sock drawer so he wouldn’t wake me with the over head light while trying to match up his socks. He still had a few failures that he would notice midday with unmatched socks. I learned to enjoy mornings several years ago when I did have to get to work early. I love watching the sunrise and the world wake up. There is just something about th...