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Showing posts from November, 2017

Coffee with Jesus

 Someone asked me the other day why I get up so early in the morning. Is it a choice? “You set your alarm for 5:00am?” I think the implication was there really wasn’t a reason for it. I don’t have an outside job to get to. I don’t have kiddos at home that require getting fed and sent off to school. So, why the urgency to get on with the day?  I explained my reasoning and how it had become a habit which has now developed into a lifestyle. It hadn’t always been this way. In fact, I remember sleeping in until my husband kissed me good bye in the morning on his way to work. I had even bought him a little pop up light for his sock drawer so he wouldn’t wake me with the over head light while trying to match up his socks. He still had a few failures that he would notice midday with unmatched socks.   I learned to enjoy mornings several years ago when I did have to get to work early. I love watching the sunrise and the world wake up. There is just something about th...

Don’t Blink

It’s still dark out and I’ve only had half a cup of coffee but I’m wide awake. The big house is quite, with the exception of the humming appliances and the cooing of  the sweetest baby in the world.  I’m sitting here holding my grandson. My grandson! He is as perfect as they come. Pink, thick and squishy. He makes the cutest noises as he sleeps in my arms. And smells so good. What is it about baby skin and peach fuzz? Mom and Dad are resting from what I’m assuming was a rough night. Oh the circle of life. I do remember those days of sleepless nights. I wish I had someone tell me then not to blink. Because 30 years will fly by. This little one will be in school, blink- driving, blink-graduating college, blink- getting married, blink- having his own child.   You know what? Knowing what I know now, I would still blink. Because this next stage in life is pretty amazing too. Every stage in life is a gift. It’s meant to be lived out abundantly and enjoyed to the full!...