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Showing posts from October, 2017

Attitude of Gratitude

This is the time of year that I love. The season change from Summer to Fall. The weather has cooled down some and I can finally go outside for longer than ten minutes, without getting sweating armpits, my face melting off causing me to look like Alice Cooper or my hair turning into a Brillo pad; from the intense humidity that comes with living in South Texas. It’s easy to say, I’m so grateful for this time of year. During hurricane Harvey I watched so many people lose their homes and businesses. It was devastating! We were very fortunate that our home wasn’t effected.  Although I experienced what some might call survivor’s guilt, I was and still am so very grateful for God’s protection over us. I am also grateful that I was here and able to help some of those that were effected by the destruction of Harvey. It changed me. I’m very grateful. Our daughter came to visit a few weeks back. We had made these plans a while ago, she had some personal days to use up and Jim was tra...

Tell Your Story

I was reminded last night of the importance of story telling. Not just any story but our stories. The difficult ones that we thought just might break us. The challenging ones that grew us and of course the God stories that changed us. God is woven into all of our stories whether we realize it or not because He is the author of our story. The movie I watched last night was a heart breaking true story told by a little boy’s mom. Their two year old son was dying of leukemia and because she didn't want to answer a billion text messages she started a blog for all to read. That blog got into the hands of a total stranger who had been living for herself and her career while missing every opportunity with her family.  Through the heart breaking story of a mom losing her only child, another mom realizes that her family was beginning to slip away from her. She had walked away from God, was putting her business and career above everyone else, had become disconnected from her husband...