Do you have a hard time asking for help like I do? Are you one of those that doesn't want to be a burden or admit you can't do it all? I know I can't do it all but pridefully I don't always want to admit it. Or I often find myself not asking for help because I don't want to be a bother. If someone asks, what can I do to help? I'm quick to say, "nothing, I've got it." I'm coming to realize that I never really "have it" and it's prideful in thinking I do. None of us do and we all need help. I'm also finding out that people really do want to help when given an opportunity. I know I do. A couple of weeks ago I set out to shop for an outfit. I had something in mind that I wanted. So I walked into a department store and began my search for that "perfect outfit". The place wasn't very busy and a sweet young sales girl came up and asked "do you need some help finding something?" I looked up a...