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Heart Issues

I've hit that age where more screening is required each time I visit the doctor. I have a tendency to toot my own horn when it comes to my health. For the most part, I think I eat pretty healthy and I exercise regularly. I had every required screening done this past year and the results came back "all good". In fact, on a couple of them I don't even need the next screening for a few years. Praise God! I am very aware how fortunate I am. And no matter how "pretty healthy" I think I eat, I also put a lot of garbage in my body and take supplements that I think I need but probably don't. And you know what they say? " Garbage in, garbage out". So, I know not to take it lightly that I'm in good health.

As we are preparing to move, we will also be changing health care providers as well as insurance companies. Argh! One of my least favorite things. Especially since I have found great doctors here that I really like and trust. Jim encouraged me last week to get in for my adult well check before we make the switch and because he had several valid points,  I made the appointment. I got the blood work, exam and standard EKG for a woman "of my age" (insert eye roll). 

The surprise was when my doctor said, " hum, your heart rate is very low, not uncommon for a runner but it's lower than last time and it's a little concerning to me so I want to send you to a cardiologist". Argh! Instantly, I thought "No, There must be a mistake because, I feel good," not to mention I don't have time for this, plus our insurance is about the change. What are the chances I can get in to see a specialist in the next couple of days anyway? So I suggest to my doctor that  it can wait until I get settled in Texas and find a new doctor etc.? To which she replied, " That would be fine if you can do that but, you might get busy with moving and forget".  What? It's like she knows me or something. I smiled and agreed to do the necessary testing to see what is going on. 

The next day I was hooked up with a heart monitor to wear for 24 hours. This little gizmo would read and record my heart activity.  Basically, it's a little electronic box that clips on to the waist band of my shorts with five wires attached to what feels like duct tape on my chest and upper belly area. I did my best to hide all the wires and go about my normal business. I was instructed to push a button whenever I felt a symptom. Symptoms? I don't have any symptoms. I feel fine. I feel really good even. The best I've felt. Why is this even necessary? But ok, I'll push this button if I feel any symptoms 
(possibly another eye roll here).

As much as an inconvenience this was and as good as I "feel" I know I need to listen to the professionals when it comes to things like this. My dictionary defines the heart as "organ that circulates the blood; vital center of one's being, emotions, and sensibilities." That sounds pretty necessary to me and I would be wise to listen and take care of any heart issues.

The bible says " Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it". In guarding my heart, I would have to monitor its activity. What thoughts am I allowing to go into my heart and camp out there? Because those things will flow out one way or another. When I dwell on hurt or anger it makes my heart become bitter. Or when I am tempted with the lure of worldly pleasures I can begin longing for those in my heart, forgetting my purpose in life.

 I need to ask God to bring those to light by monitoring my heart. I don't always know what is going on in my heart because I "feel" good. But God does. He sees and knows all and knows my heart better than I do. My heart can deceive me. So, it's important to have a regular screening so that I am not only guarding it but allowing God to make the necessary changes He wants to make in order to make me more Christ like. 

If I want to live a life in total surrender to Him I need to give Him full access to search my heart for anything that isn't in alignment with His Will. Sort of like a heart monitor. Asking Him to push a button at the first sign of any symptoms that are offensive. I might not "feel" any symptoms if I am becoming bitter or behaving with a selfish attitude but I guarantee the people around me see it. And that will effect my relationship with God and others. 

When my heart, the vital center of my being, is being monitored and transformed by my perfect creator I am living a healthy life. 

-Pressing On 

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
Jeremiah 17:9 NIV

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
Psalm 139:23-24 NIV

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Proverbs 4:23 NIV


  1. I really like your suggestion to be careful what we are dwelling on and what thoughts we are letting in. Sometimes I feel like I can't do anything to change my heart or motivations, but that is good advice. Also, your suggestion of asking God to reveal things to us is another good way. Thanks for these practical ways to monitor our hearts, Connie! I hope everything works out well for you with your physical heart test.


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