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Showing posts from February, 2016

Marriage Stuff

 Going back to Arizona was heart filling. I was able to spend quality time with our kids, visit my old bible study where I reconnected with my girlfriends, and had a much needed girls weekend with my mom and sister. We laughed until we cried and that always fills me up.  We even attended my old home church. Although, with technology, I am able to keep up and watch services online. I still consider it my church family since I "grew up" there. Spiritually anyway. Thankfully,  I am still growing. I was excited to see they were doing a series on marriage and dating. Good stuff!   Our senior pastor and his wife spoke and shared how they have stayed together for nearly 48 years. They shared a lot about God's design for marriage and that His way works. When we put Him at the center there is unity in the marriage and the family. I couldn't agree more. I have seen and experienced both sides of that coin.   A marriage without God left two people struggling and f...