News from the Boston Globe- Another storm! It's been snowing here. A lot! Usually when my mom calls, worried about us with the severe weather reports she is hearing on the News from the West Coast; I will reassure her that they are exaggerating. "The media blows things out of proportion" I tell her. But, this time I think they nailed it. The state of Massachusetts is buried in snow. We got hit a few weeks ago with a blizzard that landed nearly 3' of snow and then before it had a chance to settle , another storm hit us again. Another 2' causing road, school and business closures. The News reported a record 60" in the past three weeks. Today's paper read that we are currently in the second highest rank for a grand total of 95.7" of snowfall! Trying to get out of my house, clear the walkways and dig out the mailbox so the postman will deliver our mail tells me that yes, I believe the News might have this storm right. It's a crisis they like to...